You might know the place, inhabited by trolls, throwing axes, guarding the only way to town and all of that.
I’m trying to write a windows routine to capture crash data and it seems that the remote clipboard function is actually blocked by the crash, or just generally misbehaving. The routines work in “simulation mode”, I can copy text from the windows SUT running VNC 412, but now it seems that whenever I run into a crash, the clipboard cannot be sent, I can copy the data just fine (it’s on the clipboard after I exit the misbehaving app and try to paste it)
It’s a basic EP script, nothing fancy at all, I mean nothing fancy period, find the crash dialog, grab the text, toss the copy command and try to put remoteclipboard (15) into error_text, pretty much the same as I have done with some good results previous.
I thought it may have been the 10.4.9 issue, so I moved my entire environment to a new 10.4.3 install and switched off software “updates”
I should mention that I have no problem grabbing text from a Net 1.1 exception handler, that works nicely, except our other app doesn’t use Net 1.1 framework, it’s using Microsoft Foundation class.
So, do I distract the troll with doug(hnuts) and try to sneak my data across the bridge, or am I forever trapped at wit’s end as I failed to get the can of oil to quiet the squeaky gate in time?
Not being able to reliably capture the crash dialog as text is going to make mailing it into our bug database a rather data intensive issue and require a separate approach for each product, something I’m just not keen on doing.
Any and all suggestions welcome, but I should mention that the MFC crash dialog has focus in a big way, so even getting to another application to dump the data is a bit problematic.