Am new to Eggplant, and trying to enter data into an SUT ‘data entry field’ as a step in my script. Specifically, I want to add a text phrase and the date, with the date formatted as MMDDYY, no slashes.
Example: TestSN022124
Every time I try to add the format into the Type Text line, it fails. Tried:
set to "%MM%DD%YY"
TypeText "TestSN", the date
I having trouble finding good information on ‘structuring’ the scripts, I find bits of an overall line, but nothing on to assemble it into an actual, complete line or command or whatever.
Any suggestions so my highly inexperienced self does not have to bother y’all experts with silly rookie questions like that one?
Awesome! Thank you, Karsten! Oh, and be careful what you ask for! LOL
Um, so is there a way to adjust the screen size of the Connect window? When I run my script to initially connect to the SUT, the window does not open full screen.
I could just take a capture of the ‘Min/Max’ button and have Eggplant click it, but would think there is a way that’s a little more graceful…
Not 100% sure what you mean. Here are options its none of them fit. Kindly ask you to elaborate a bit more.
You can maximize any window on windows with typetext windowskey, uparrow
in case you mean the windows that is opened by Eggplant after connecting the SUT (system under test). Namely the Viewer Window. It remembers its size and position from last time
if you cannot see all the content of the SUT click “Scale to fit” if it shows “show Full Size” its fine.
As mentioned not sure what exactly you are refering too.
Hope one of the above is the answer to your question.
My apologies. I believe I mean the window opened by Eggplant to connect to the SUT. I have adjusted it to full screen manually several times after it is open, but it never remembers.
Try it manually by the arrow that come when you are close to an edge/corner. Not sure why we aren’t remembering the maximised state.
This way it should remember it.
It’s still not working. So, I tried scripting it:
using the keyboard shortcut keys, and that doesn’t work - in the script - it does work on the actual keyboard…