Keysight Eggplant E-Learning: Transform Your Team with Our Learning Platform

Keysight offers free comprehensive training and certification on a range of Eggplant products:

  • Eggplant Functional
  • Digital Automation Intelligence
  • Eggplant Performance
  • Monitoring Insight

Training and Certification Resources (

You will learn how to get the most from each product, mastering skills and best practices that will help you work more effectively and efficiently. More than this, you will build your general expertise in functional testing and test automation, enhancing your skills and career prospects. Training also delivers confidence that everyone in your team will share the same level of competence, making it easier for testers to collaborate and switch between projects.

It is easy! Start Today!

Get Started

  • Access our Keysight Education Services
  • Select “Sign Up”
  • Fill out the form and use “eggplantelearning” for the access code
  • Sign In
  • Start Learning

If you already have an account with the Keysight Education Services, please use the following URL instead:

Courses can be classified as either core courses or electives. ** Core courses are mandatory. The general educational purpose of a core course of study is to ensure that all students take and complete courses that are considered to be foundational knowledge essential for the use of our Eggplant Suite. A Certification test is available at the end of the core course program.

Examples: Working with OCR, External Data, Parameterization, Debugging, Scripting, Best Practices…and more

Electives are, courses you can choose to listen to at a later time in your journey, allowing you to study topics that interest you and your organization. Elective courses are not mandatory. Elective courses cover topics that may or not be something needed for your team to use of the tool.

Examples: Integration with Jenkins, GitHub Actions, Jira Xray, Gherkin, Deep Dive Sensetalk Explained by Developer Doug Simons and more.

If you have any questions, please contact our learning support team at and/or your account manager.

:paperclip: Any topics you would love to see on the e-learning platform? Simply reply to this thread


One wish-list item for me would be Electives that pull all the platform-specific HOWTOs, tips and tricks under one place. For example, an Elective for each platform category (Windows, GNU/Linux and Mac), and then each of these would cover all Eggplant products from installation to environment-specific tips & tricks, and maybe even include a look at how some folks leverage tools like PowerShell on Windows or Bash on GNU/Linux, to name just a couple.

An additional Elective wish-list item would be a deep dive into mobile testing, covering supported mobile platforms and how they are setup and executed on each of the aforementioned platforms :slight_smile: Included would also be common test case models on iOS and Android and what the code looks like, focusing on SenseTalk features that are most likely to be used across most mobile testing scenarios.

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Thank you for your feedback! I have added to the list of items to review for implementation. I am glad you have mentioned Mobile. We did have that on our list, as a priority to get added to the platform. :0 Have a great day!

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A kudos for the eLearning: I was watching each of the Elective videos maximized and almost missed that some of the demos had a download link to the code used in the video. After finishing the Elective courses I went back and downloaded all the demo suites. What a resource! Now I have to go through all the Core videos I finished as well to be sure I didn’t miss any downloads there :rofl:


Thank you for the feedback! I will continue to update the forum, as we keep adding on new learning topics. :slight_smile:

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