Write start, end and total time testcase runing into file

Hi All,

What I want is to create log file which give me start time, end time and how many minutes it takes, and I want to add it in my code below. Please help.

put ([“print” testcase1], [“print” testcase2], [“print” testcase3]) into mytestcase
repeat with each testcase of mytestcase
get print(testcase)
put testcase & “;Passed” into reportLine
catch error
put testcase & “;Failed” & error.reason into reportLine
end try
end repeat

Here is what I tried but no luck. Got error “STInvalidNumberException. Value is not a number: starttime”. Please help…!
if there is a file “~buffalo/Desktop/Kiosk8_log” then
delete file “~buffalo/Desktop/Kiosk8_log”
end if

create file “~buffalo/Desktop/Kiosk8_log”

put ([“print” testcase1], [“print” testcase2], [“print” testcase3]) into mytestcase
repeat with each testcase of mytestcase
put the time into starttime
get print(testcase)
put the time into currenttime
put currenttime - starttime into total

open file “~buffalo/Desktop/Kiosk8_log” for appending
put testcase & ": " & starttime & " " & currenttime & " " & total into file “~buffalo/Desktop/Kiosk8_log”
close file “~buffalo/Desktop/Kiosk8_log”
put testcase & “;Passed” into reportLine

catch error
put testcase & “;Failed” & error.reason into reportLine
end try
end repeat
In addition, how do I concat the date and time into file name. I’ve tried “~buffalo/Desktop/Kiosk8_log” & “" & the date & "” & the time, but it creates whole the date folder, time folder and file with second.

Best Regards

You can get the start time, end time, and time to run like this:

// result logs are tab delimited, so...
set the itemDelimiter to tab
// store the contents of the latest log file in a variable
// for ease of use
put file( the logfile of the last item of scriptResults(testcase) ) into theLog
// extract the start time
put time(the first item of the first line of theLog) into startTime
// convert it to a format that includes the seconds
convert startTime to long time
// extract the end time
put time(the first item of the last line of theLog) into endTime
// convert it to a format that includes the seconds
convert endTime to long time
// extract the execution time (which is already calculated in the log)
put the third word of the last item of the last line of theLog into executionTime

Hope that helps.

This happens because the date format uses slashes and the time format uses colons, both of which are folder delimiters in Mac OS X. You’ll need a couple of steps to reformat the date and time before appending them to your file name:

set the clockFormat to "24hour" // so we don't have to bother with AM/PM
put the date into myDate
replace every occurrence of "/" with "" in myDate
put the time into myTime
replace every occurrence of ":" with "" in myTime
create file "~buffalo/Desktop/Kiosk8_log" & "_" & myDate & "_" & myTime


Thanks so much for your responded. But I am unable to make it work. After I let it ran successfully testcase1 and then I stop. I got no error. the Kiosk8_Log file is created, but it empty. Please see below

if there is a file “~buffalo/Desktop/Kiosk8_log” then
delete file “~buffalo/Desktop/Kiosk8_log”
end if

create file “~buffalo/Desktop/Kiosk8_log”

put ([“print” testcase1], [“print” testcase2], [“print” testcase3]) into mytestcase
repeat with each testcase of mytestcase
get print(testcase)
// result logs are tab delimited, so…
set the itemDelimiter to tab
// store the contents of the latest log file in a variable
// for ease of use
put file( the logfile of the last item of scriptResults(testcase) ) into theLog
// extract the start time
put time(the first item of the first line of theLog) into startTime
// convert it to a format that includes the seconds
convert startTime to long time
// extract the end time
put time(the first item of the last line of theLog) into endTime
// convert it to a format that includes the seconds
convert endTime to long time
// extract the execution time (which is already calculated in the log)
put the third word of the last item of the last line of theLog into executionTime

open file “~buffalo/Desktop/Kiosk8_log” for appending
put testcase & ": " & startTime & " " & endTime & " " & executionTime into file “~buffalo/Desktop/Kiosk8_log”
close file “~buffalo/Desktop/Kiosk8_log”
put testcase & “;Passed” into reportLine

catch error
put testcase & “;Failed” & error.reason into reportLine
end try
end repeat

You’re going to have to help me out a little here. What does the print function do? What value does it return?

You’re executing the print handler as you create your list, so the list is a list of the return values from the handler. What does that look like? Please do a

put mytestcase

after the line where you create the list and post the output so I can see what you are iterating over.

It would probably be helpful if you posted the entire “print” script as well.

It appears that the testcase iterator must not contain the name of a script, which is what scriptResults() is expecting, so you’re probably not getting any values back from that, which is why your file is empty.

[quote=“buffalokml”]Here is what I tried but no luck. Got error “STInvalidNumberException. Value is not a number: starttime”. Please help…!
put the time into starttime
get print(testcase)
put the time into currenttime
put currenttime - starttime into total[/quote]

And what you want to use here is “the seconds”, not “the time”. When you need to display the value of starttime, you’ll want to do either:

convert starttime to long time


put time(starttime)

so that you’re displaying something you can read and not just the number of seconds since the start of the Unix epoch. And when you want to output “total”, you’ll also want to convert that from raw seconds to something more readable. I’m attaching a script that will do that for you.

Here we go. The printing is the file name. I did put mytestcases right after I create the list below, there is nothing display/return

if there is a file “~buffalo/Desktop/kiosk8_log” then
delete file “~buffalo/Desktop/kiosk8_log”
end if
create file “~buffalo/Desktop/kiosk8_log”
repeat 8 times
put ([“Printing” testcase61],
[“Printing” testcase62],
[“Printing” testcase63]) into mytestcases
put mytestcases
set the strictProperties to true
repeat with each testcase of mytestcases
get Printing.(testcase)
set the itemDelimiter to tab
put file( the logfile of the last item of scriptResults(testcase) ) into theLog
put time( the first item of the first line of theLog) into startTime
convert startTime to long time
put time(the first item of the last line of theLog) into endTime
convert endTime to long time
put the third word of the last item of the last line of theLog into executionTime
open file “~buffalo/Desktop/kiosk8_log” for appending
write testcase & “:” & " " & startTime & " " & endTime & " " & executionTime to file “~buffalo/Desktop/kiosk8_log” at end
close file “~buffalo/Desktop/kiosk8_log”
put testcase & “; Passed” into reportLine
catch error
put testcase & ";Failed; " & error.reason into reportLine
end try
end repeat
add 1 to myloop
put “Printing iteration is” & " " & myloop
end repeat
function testcase61
put failed into testfailed
put passed into testpassed
wait 60 // add a 1-minute delay between testcases
[“ComonShare” FindWelcomeScreen]
(* if [“ComonShare” FindWelcomeScreen] is true then
put the time into starttime
end if *)
if imagefound(enterusernamescreen) then
[“ComonShare” PrintLogin]
set reporterror = “Testcase61 is failed at login”
LogError reporterror
return testfailed & reporterror
exit function
end if
put ((mainprintbutton, mainscreen), (documentvaultbutton, docstored),
(kiosktiff, selectvaultdocscreen), (vaultselectdocbutton, selectvaultdocscreen),
(printdocbutton, printdocscreen),
(continuetransactionbutton, howtopayfortransactionscreen),
(iagreebutton, acceptagreementscreen), (nothanksbutton, printedreceiptscreen),
(logoutimdonebutton, printtaskcompleted)) into mytestcaseimages
repeat with each item of mytestcaseimages
if [“ComonShare” FindCurrentScreenAndPressButton: it] is false then
set reporterror = "Testcase61 is failed at " & " " & it
LogError reporterror
return testfailed & reporterror
exit function

	end if
end repeat

return testpassed

end testcase61

function testcase62
put failed into testfailed
put passed into testpassed
wait 60 // add a 1-minute delay between testcases
[“ComonShare” FindWelcomeScreen]
if imagefound(enterusernamescreen) then
[“ComonShare” PrintLogin]
set reporterror = “Testcase62 is failed at login”
LogError reporterror
return testfailed & reporterror
exit function
end if
put ((mainprintbutton, mainscreen), (documentvaultbutton, docstored),
(kioskpdf, selectvaultdocscreen), (vaultselectdocbutton, selectvaultdocscreen),
(printdocbutton, printdocscreen),
(continuetransactionbutton, howtopayfortransactionscreen),
(iagreebutton, acceptagreementscreen), (nothanksbutton, printedreceiptscreen),
(logoutimdonebutton, printtaskcompleted)) into mytestcaseimages

repeat with each item of mytestcaseimages
	if ["ComonShare" FindCurrentScreenAndPressButton: it] is false then
		set reporterror = "Testcase62 is failed at " & " " & it
		LogError reporterror
		return testfailed & reporterror
		exit function
	end if
end repeat
return testpassed

end testcase62

[quote=“buffalokml”]Here we go. The printing is the file name. I did put mytestcases right after I create the list below, there is nothing display/return
That’s going to be your first problem – if the list you create is empty, then there’s nothing to iterate over, so nothing will get written to your file.

Do you understand that the function calls that you are putting in the list above are being executed as the list is created? So the list is not going to contain the text you see above, but the return values of those function calls. If calling this:

put ["print" testcase1]

doesn’t produce any output, then there won’t be a value in your list for that entry. I think you actually want to create your list like this:

put (testcase61, testcase62, testcase63) into mytestcase

Since these testcases do not appear to be individual scripts, but rather functions within a single script, you can forget about the code I supplied to get the timing – that only works if these are individually executed scripts.

I’ve gone back and looked at your original code for the timing:

put the time into starttime 
get print(testcase) 
put the time into currenttime 
put currenttime - starttime into total

There’s actually no reason that this shouldn’t be working or that it would throw an exception. My suggestion of using “the seconds” instead of the time and then converting after the calculation is a viable workaround, but it shouldn’t be necessary. Which version of Eggplant are you running? (You can find that by going to Eggplant > About Eggplant.)