Using VNC with AirPort?

Hi, I have an Apple AirPort set up. I have been able to use VNC within the network, locally, fine, but I recently got a Treo700w, so installed a VNC client, and I’m wondering how to set up VNC so I can use my Treo to access my mac. Any help will be greatly appreciated in advance, thanks!

Whether it’s the Airport Hub or a wired router you need to setup port forwarding on your gateway device that is providing Network Translation.

For more detail please read the OSXvnc FAQ Entry:

Hi, I had looked at that, and tried my best to follow the directions. Once I do that, the Treo wants the connection server, which I assumed was the external IP at home. I tried this and nothing seemed to happen…

Thanks again.

Update: Thanks… it seems the error was the VNC Client on the Treo. I got a new one and it works! YAY! THANKS lol