Unable to access value from list

Hi there,

Could you please help me to correct my script below? I don’t know to use list and how to access list value. :cry: I’m very appreciated.


function FindCurrentScreenAndPressButton inputbutton, screenlookingfor
    put inputbutton into selectedbutton
    put screenlookingfor into currentscreen
    if ["ComonShare" findImage:currentscreen] is true then
            ["ComonShare" PressSelectedButton: selectedbutton]
            Wait 2.0
            set errormsg = "Unable to find" & selectedbutton
            LogError errormsg
            return false
    end if
end FindCurrentScreenAndPressButton



function testcase1
        put ((image1,screen1), (image2,screen2), (image3,screen3), (image4,screen4) into testcase1image
        put Failed into testcasefailed.
        put Passed into testcasepassed.
        repeat with each item of testcase1image
            if ["ComonShare" FindCurrentScreenAndPressButton: testcase1image] is not false then
                 ["ComonShare" FindCurrentScreenAndPressButton: testcase1image]
                 set errormsg = "Testcase1 is failed at" & second value, screen from the list testcase1image.
                 LogError errormsg
                 return testcasefailed & errormsg.
                 exit function
            end if
        end repeat
      return testcasepassed
end testcase1

I think this should work.


function FindCurrentScreenAndPressButton inputList
    put item 1 of inputList into selectedbutton
    put item 2 of inputList into currentscreen
    if ["ComonShare" currentscreen] is true then
            ["ComonShare" PressSelectedButton: selectedbutton]
            return true
            LogError "Unable to find" & selectedbutton
            return false
    end if
end FindCurrentScreenAndPressButton



function testcase1
        put ((image1,screen1), (image2,screen2), (image3,screen3), (image4,screen4) into testcase1image
        repeat with each item of testcase1image
            if ["ComonShare" FindCurrentScreenAndPressButton: it] is false then
                 LogError "Testcase1 is failed at " & it
                 return "failed" & errormsg
            end if
        end repeat
      return "passed"
end testcase1

Thanks, Matt

It works great; however, please help to bring this script to next level. What I really want is instead of using 2D array, I would like to read the image value from excel or text file. For example, the snip code above, instead of define
function testcase1
put ((image1,screen1), (image2,screen2), (image3,screen3), (image4,screen4)) into testcase1image
repeat with each item of testcase1image
if [“ComonShare” FindCurrentScreenAndPressButton: it] is false then
LogError "Testcase1 is failed at " & it
return “failed” & errormsg
end if
end repeat
return “passed”
end testcase1

I want to be something like this.

function Exetestcase
set mytestcase = 1
repeat forever
get nextValue(partList)
put line1 of imageexcel file into item 1 of testcaseimage
put line1 of imagescreen file into item 2 of testcaseimage
repeat with each item of testcaseimage
if [“ComonShare” FindCurrentScreenAndPressButton: it] is false then
LogError “Testcase” & mytestcase "is failed at " & it
return “failed” & errormsg
end if
end repeat
return “passed”
add 1 to mytestcase
end repeat
if it is empty then
exit repeat
end repeat

Then the image excel file would be like:


The screen excel file would be like
screen1, screen2, screen3, screen4
screen1, screen3, screen6, screen8
screen10, screen12, screen3, screen14

The combine of line 1 of image file and line1 of screen excel file will constitute testcase1.

The combine of line 2 of image file and line2 of screen excel file will constitute testcase2.
And so on…

If you could put both image and screen into 1 file and access line by line, that would be great.
I want to implement this way because when I generate testcase I just working on excel file without touch the source code.

Thanks so much for your greatful help.

Best Regards,

Just a suggestion… Why don’t you use .csv files?

You can edit those just fine in excel and also read them like text files in Eggplant.

csv is OK to me but I don’t know to read and reference it.

Best Regards,

Hi, Buffalo:

There are instructions for accessing values directly from an Excel spreadsheet here: http://www.redstonesoftware.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=151 .

There is also a writeup on data-driven testing with an example of how to read from a text file on page 31 of the Using Eggplant guide.

If you still have questions after looking at those resources, please let me know.



There are 2 issues with my script below. Please help me. This is urgent. I need to make this work by the end of this week. Thanks so much for your help.

  1. Is there any way that I pass the first item of the row into different variable?
  2. Unable to access a list value from excel.


testcase1   screenimage1, buttonimage1      screenimage2, buttonimage2    screenimage1, buttonimage2

testcase2   screenimage1, buttonimage1      screenimage2, buttonimage2    screenimage1, buttonimage2


do AppleScript {{ 
tell application "Microsoft Excel" 
open "Document:imageexcel.xls" 

set theRange to value of the usedRange of worksheet 1 
set newData to {} 
repeat with aRow from 1 to count of theRange 
	set newRow to {} 
                put item 1 of aCell into mytestcase
	repeat with aCell from 1 to count of item 1 of theRange 
                        //get the first item from cell2 
                        put item1 of aCell1 into myscreenimage
                        put item2 of aCell2 into mybuttonimage
                        put myscreenimage & " " & "and" & " " mybuttonimage
	end repeat 
end repeat 
get newData 
end tell 


It looks like you’ve got a bunch of SenseTalk code in your Applescript block – that won’t work; the Applescript has to be just Applescript. You use the Applescript to extract all the data from the spreadsheet at once and put it into a SenseTalk variable and then you parse it. It will look something like this:

do AppleScript {{ 
tell application "Microsoft Excel" 
open "G5:Users:Matt:Documents:tempfiles:imageexcel.xls" 
get value of the usedRange of worksheet 1
end tell
put the result into myData

repeat with aRow = each item of myData
	put item 1 of aRow into mytestcase 
	put item 1 of item 2 of aRow into myscreenimage 
	put item 2 of item 3 of aRow into mybuttonimage 
	put myscreenimage && "and" && mybuttonimage 
end repeat 

I’ve created the Excel file locally and run this code to verify that it works. Here’s the output:

Wed, 6/8/05 11:35:42 AM	START		Running Selection from /Users/matt/Documents/Eggplant Suites/Auxiliary.suite/Scripts/test.script
screenimage1 and  buttonimage2
screenimage1 and  buttonimage2
Selection Executed in 0:00:00

Let me know if you still have trouble getting this to work.

Thanks so much for your quick replied, Matt. I’ll try and let you know if there is any problem.

Best Regards,