I have an issue when running scripts via Test Configuration, one test will run as soon it kicks off another test the SUT will just log off making it difficult to render/find or run another handler. Whats the best possible solution for this?
This behavior is by design, but you are not the only customer with this question. The reasoning is that as soon as one test is finished with a SUT, that SUT should be available for other tests. Here are some recommendations; please consult with your TC if you have questions as to which is right for you.
Add a code to check your SUT connection at the beginning of each test and wait conditionally until you have confirmation that the SUT is available. this could be as simple as WaitFor 90, image:"someimageonSUTsplashscreen" or might leverage the ConnectionInfo() function.
Call all of your tests from within a single Primary script. If you are concerned that any test might fail and spoil the larger Primary script, use Try to capture those errors so that the script can continue.
Combine only those tests that must run from the same SUT.
You can also discuss options with your TC for submitting an enhancement request.