running another instance of eggplant as a shellscript

my req is running2-3 instance of eggplant as a shellscript . esssentially I need to monitot a collaboration application where the presenter is presenting and it shows slides at fixed intervals

Now as the presenter starts the slideshwow the viewers will see them at a lag which I want to monitor continiously . So I was planning to start a few instances of eggplant in this fashion which connects to other viewer SUT and gets the frame no and logs it . I plan to plot them all using rrdtool

the command I use is

put shell("/Appplications/ /Users/qa/Eggplant/IVECommon/ReusableActions/CoreAccess/resMeeting.suite/Scripts/checkViewerSportsSlides.script -params Mac , 12 -host -port 5901 -password neoteris ")

I have multiple licenses so there should not be issues but the handler just returns

11:22:28 Start handler 1: meet
put shell("/Appplications/ /Users/qa/Eggplant/IVECommon/ReusableActions/CoreAccess/resMeeting.suite/Scripts/checkViewerSportsSlides.script -params Mac , 12 -host -port 5901 -password neoteris ")

<<< 11:22:28 End handler 1: meet (normal exit)

where am I wrong ?

Provided you have an additional license available to run Eggplant from the command line, it should work as you have described. I noticed a couple of small problems that you may need to correct to get this to work:

In your post, the path given to the Eggplant application begins with “/Appplications” (one too many "p"s – change it to “/Applications”).

Also, the “-params” parameter should be the last one given, followed by the parameters to be passed to the script. You should move the “-host”, “-port” and “-password” parameters before it.

You may also want to check ‘the result’ in your main script immediately after calling the shell function to see whether it succeeded or not. The runscript tool should set this to the number of scripts that were run.

Multiple test streams are usually executed from a terminal window. What you are attempting should work in that the shell function executes commands that you would normally run from the command line, but I would recommend that you execute your scripts directly from a terminal window.

Just to clarify, the shell function is “SenseTalk” syntax used within an Eggplant script. If your requirement is to execute these test streams from a shell script, you first need to create a shell script. If you require guidance on shell scripting then I would recommend that you perform a web-search for the proper syntax for your appropriate shell.

Also, everything after the -params flag is treated as parameters to be passed. A consequence of this is that you can only pass parameters to a single script, it must be the last script listed on the command line, and the -params flag and its parameters must come at the end of the command line. The parameters are separated by spaces, not commas, and each parameter is passed to Eggplant as text exactly as it appears.