Hi All,
I want to read test data from a excel sheet and populate the form in my script.
I have absolutely no idea how to do it, can someone please help me…
Attached is the test data sheet. [have zipped it ]
I want to send data from each row to FillDetails.
Right now I’m using property list to do something similar, here is the code I want to use it in.
My current script
Script - AddDetails
put ((servername"testServer",ip"",username"testuser", passwd"PasswdForTestUser"),(servername"testServer",ip"IncorrectIP",username"testuser", passwd"PasswdForTestUser"),(servername"testServer",ip"",username"IncorrectUsername", passwd"PasswdForTestUser") ,(servername"testServer",ip"",username"testuser", passwd"IncorrectPasswd")) into credslist
repeat with each creds of credslist
FillDetails creds
end repeat
Some other stuff
Script - FillDeatils
Click ("AddCluster//AddCluster_ServerName")
TypeText creds.servername
Click ("AddCluster//AddCluster_LoginNode")
TypeText creds.ip
Click ("AddCluster//AddCluster_Username")
TypeText creds.username
Click ("AddCluster//AddCluster_Password")
TypeText creds.passwd
Some other stuff
Thank you