Reading a list from a combo box drop-down and scrolling

I have a combo box drop-down that is large enough to have a vertical scroll bar, and only allows the first letter to be typed to highlight a selection (i.e. - typing ‘G’ may take you to Georgia, but then typing ‘E’ will take you to Ethiopia, not allow one to keep typing the rest of Georgia). Allowing only the first letter to be typed seems to be a limitation of the application being tested.

I am trying to come up with a way to write an IF… THEN statement that looks for something in the visible list (i.e. - Ohio) and clicks it if it’s there, or presses PAGE DOWN if it’s not and scans again, repeating until it is found.

I am on an evaluation license of eggPlant, so be gentle… :oops:

Thanks in advance for the help!

I received this reply from TestPlant support, and it seems to work:

You can do this with code like this:

repeat while not ImageFound("stateNameImage")
          typeText pageDown
end repeat
click foundImageLocation()

You could also try doing it using a text search:

repeat while not ImageFound(text:"Ohio") // you might need other parameters to make the text search work reliably
          typeText pageDown
end repeat
click foundImageLocation()