Need to find the main config file on Ubuntu, to configure "Default Suite Directory" on a per Project Basis

I am trying to find main config file, to modify it for each project on project start …

  1. git checkout
  2. sed some file to change “Default Suite Directory”
  3. run eggplant to have the relative paths to the git subtrees work (containing the different suites) on the “helperSuitesInfo” in SuiteInfo-Files

Any Ideas?

Can you use -DefaultDocumentDirectory command line option as described in Eggplant Command Line Options ?

The commandline option did not do anything for me.

I believe, the config file path would be predictable (win/Linux/wine), as where the binary resides can be changed on install by any user. Knowing the config file location seems way more reliable.

It is strange anyways, why relative paths don’t go with the opened suite, then try a common global folder.