iOS Gateway 4.0.1

iOS Gateway 4.0 is now available for download!

iOS Gateway 4.0 Release Notes

[list][]Manage multiple devices from a single iOS Gateway window.
]Performance and efficiency improvements.
[]iosgd command line tool.
]Auto Start on Connection device option to start devices when connected.
[]Max Frames Per Second device option to limit screenshot capture rate.
]Detects potential VNC port conflicts between devices.[/list:u]Bug Fixes
[list][]Minor bug and crash fixes.[/list:u]Changes[list]
]Performing gestures using the iOS Gateway Screen view is no longer supported.
[*]Device-specific menu items have been moved to the new Device menu.[/list:u]

iOS Gateway 4.0.1 was released this morning to address a couple of issues including a crash and a problem with Auto Assign Port when there were conflicting ports in use on the system.