how to watch the execution in SUT while running the eggplant scripts through Jenkins?

Hi Everyone

how to watch the execution in SUT while running the eggplant scripts through Jenkins

I have tried so many commands but no luck - Ex: -RunOnLaunch , -AutoShowRunWindow yes

Can any one help me about this please ......

thanks advance =)

Just use a VNC Viewer or load up the Eggplant IDE and connect through that

I feel jenkins execution is headless mode of execution, so you wont be able to view the SUT. But you can view the timely updating log in workspace.

You won’t be able to do this. It doesn’t really make sense to try. The point of Jenkins is unattended management of tests – why are you trying to watch the test execute when running from Jenkins.

Hello Srinivas,

Use eggplant.bat instead of runscript.bat along with other commands which you mentioned should enable your SUT to be visible.

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