Example my list will be [“12.345”,Test_1,Test_2,“45.456”,Test_3,Test_4,Test_5,“67.789”]
Now I want remove all numbers.
expected list: [Test_1,Test_2,Test_3,Test_4,Test_5]
The list which we are getting with number ( fractio number) dynamic index.
I tried the below way nothing is working.
put [“12.345”,Test_1,Test_2,“45.456”,Test_3,Test_4,Test_5,“67.789”] into notes
delete each item of notes which is Number
log notes
put [“12.345”,Test_1,Test_2,“45.456”,Test_3,Test_4,Test_5,“67.789”] into notes
delete each item of notes which is [“1”,“2”,“3”, “4”,“.”]
log notes
put [“12.345”,Test_1,Test_2,“45.456”,Test_3,Test_4,Test_5,“67.789”] into notes
delete [“1”,“2”,“3”,“4”,“.”] from notes
log notes
Is there any alternate method?