How to create a new worksheet in Excel

Is there a way to create/copy worksheets within an existing Excel workbook? I would like to dynamically add new Excel sheets during execution.

I have looked at this page but it does not have any info on creating new sheets, only accessing existing ones.

Thank you!

Hey @raphaelRosin,
Unfortunately this is not supported at the moment.
Maybe we’ll have an early Christmas gift. :wink:
We’ll keep you posted.

In the meantime:
What is your use case. Maybe we can find another solution to offer.


Thanks Karstem - I thought that might be the case. I’ve written a PowerShell script instead - See below if anyone has the same question!

param (




$importFile = $ExcelPath

$excel = New-Object -Com Excel.Application

$workbook = $excel.Workbooks.Open($ExcelPath)

$worksheet = $workbook.Sheets.Add()

$worksheet.Name = $NewSheetName




Write-Output “Process Complete”

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Hey @raphaelRosin,
Eggplant 23.4.3 includes a lot of new excel commands. Eggplant Functional 23 Release Notes | EPF Docs and Excel File Interaction | EPF Docs

put newWorksheet(myWorkbook, “Flowers”) into flowerSheet
set myNewSheet to workbook’s newWorksheet(name:”Summary”, sequenceNumber:2, copyFrom: worksheet(1) of workbook)
set anotherSheet to newWorksheet(workbook:myWorkbook, name:“CustomerList”)

You can now for example. create a new worksheet ,copy an existing one, rename them, set and get colors and many more.
