eggPlant Performance 7.2 has now been released and is available to download from our website.
The major new features in this release are as follows:
[]New “Objectives” feature for creating tests.
[]An Objective guides you through the process of setting up a performance test for your application in a step by step manner, explaining each step in the process.
[]Objectives are designed to help create tests quickly for those users who are new to performance testing. They contain steps for creating recordings, scripts, KPIs, workmixes, workflows,
application under test definitions, data files and injectors.
[*]Objectives can be created for testing websites, web services, Citrix servers, or any other system.
[*]Applications Under Test (AUT)
[*]You can define the applications you want to test in eggPlant Performance.
[*]An AUT can be a website, web service, Citrix server or other application.
[*]For each AUT, you can specify details about the application such as URL, WSDL, or host and port.
[*]You can also specify the "expected load" on the AUT, in terms of expected numbers of users, expected transaction rate and expected HTTP request rate.
[*]For a website, you can also specify scripting options, such as whether you want to create network or UI-level scripts, and which programming language to use.
[*]A workmix defines a set of workflows and the relative proportion of each within a test.
[*]For example, if a workflow is 20% of a workmix, then it consists of 20 virtual users in a 100 virtual user test.
[*]By using workmixes, you can swiftly create tests consisting of multiple workflows.
[*]Definition of Key Performance Indicators has been moved from Analyzer to Studio.
[*]You can create KPI collections within Studio and assign them to a test definition.
[*]All KPIs assigned to a test are automatically collected and reported on in Analyzer.
[*]Improved Citrix image matching
[*]Image "hotspots".
[*]Metadata has been added to Citrix images, so that the hotspot location, required tolerance and discrepancy are stored alongside the image and do not have to be set in scripts.
[*]Citrix image viewer application lets you edit the metadata associated with an image.
[*]Studio now displays the Citrix images in a recording.
[*]Improved user interface for configuring test data
[*]The screens for test-level and group-level data have been replaced by a single screen, so you can view all the data bindings for a test in one place.
[*]A new data wizard guides you through the process of setting up a data binding for your test.
[*]Dockable windows in Studio
[*]The project tree, workspace tree, objective tree and build output windows are now dockable windows.
[*]The windows can be moved, docked and tabbed on the left, right, top or bottom of the screen.
[*]Support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2017
[*]Many more bug fixes and improvements.