eggPlant Performance v6.2 has just been released! Here is a quick overview of the main features. Make sure to check out the [url=]Release Notes for the complete list of what’s new!
Comprehensive web services support (inc. SOAP, REST)
It is now possible to feed a WSDL (Web Service Definition Language) file into Performance, either from a URL or a path on your PC. Doing so will automatically generate scripts able to call any of the methods exposed by the Web Service, making it very easy to piece together a realistic load test. All service calls are automatically made into Transactions so you will quickly be able to see who the heavy hitters are. The Web Services functionality has been added to the Web VU, meaning scripts can be generated in either C# or Java and no additional costs are incurred if you are already using a Base license.
Improved mobile HTTPS recording
Another major feature is the ability to record native application HTTPS traffic. eggPlant Performance now supports the ability to export a certificate which can be installed on the mobile device. This allows the HTTPS traffic to be decrypted, thereby enabling parameterization/correlation of the captured HTTP data. Simply point the mobile device at the proxy recorder running in Studio and you should begin seeing HTTPS traffic when using your mobile apps.
VS 2015 & .NET Framework 4.6 support
We’ve added support for Visual Studio 2015, including Express and Community editions, as well as the latest release of the .NET Framework. We’ve also improved the interface for adding .NET assemblies to the custom VU and automatically selected appropriate defaults based on what could be discovered on your Studio machine.
Timestamp data value scripting support
A new Generation Rule has been added for supporting more advanced handling of Unix-like timestamps that may appear in your generated script code. This was necessary in order to prevent false positive correlations where a timestamp actually needed to remain static rather than becoming some dynamic value (the latter usually manifesting as the current date & time).
Regular expression matching for Web Gen rules
You can now define a regular expression as a Left or Right Boundary in the Data Correlation Generation Rule. This is useful when either of the Boundaries contains a dynamic element. Another use case is when one need to match non-character sequences such as end-of-line.
Test Controller event log filter improvements
We’ve made VU event log browsing smarter by expanding Filtering options, as well as making the viewer “stick” to the selected line. This is most useful when honing in on Errors: set the filter to Errors, select the desired Error, and set the filter back to Info/All. The selected Error will remain in view so that you can quickly see surrounding events.