Eggplant Functional Debian Builds Past 19.2.1


I’m curious if Eggplant has been built for Debian GNU/Linux past v19.2.1. While I’ve tried Ubuntu I am a Debian user and discovered (at least from the Eggplant Functional release notes) that support for Debian ended at v19.2.1 and with v20.0.0 Ubuntu was the supported platform.

I have the download link for v19.2.1 for Debian ( and tried replacing the version in the link with others past 19.2.1 but no hits.

I’m currently on Debian GNU/Linux “Bookworm” v12.5 and haven’t tried installing Eggplant Functional 19.2.1 yet, but since that build was likely for Debian GNU/Linux “Buster” v10.1 or 10.2 (released September and November 2019, respectively) I’m not expecting a completely clean install :slight_smile:

Hoping @DaveHester might know or be able to find out :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance!

Hi Chris,
I confirmed with the product team that future development of ePF will be centered on Ubuntu and RHEL. You may want to research options for running a container of the Ubuntu build within Debian. We do not anticipate creating a Debian-exclusive version of ePF at this time.
If there is a business case for Debian, please reach out to me via email so that I can generate a detailed feature request.

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Thank you @DaveHester for looking into it! I’ll think about whether there is a case to be had, but understand the shift from Debian to Ubuntu from the Enterprise perspective. I promise not to come back with something just because I really want it on my Debian box :wink: