The attached suite contains one short script that will ask you to select a suite and then will step through the images in that suite and generate an html-based catalog of the images. The catalog displays each image – at a reduced size if necessary – and the values for the image’s significant properties as shown here:
In addition to the script, the suite contains two merge template files. One file is the template for a single image entry; this is called from a repeat loop in the script to generate the individual catalog entries, which are then stored in a script variable. When the last image has been processed, the script variable is merged into the second template, which is just the shell template for the html page.
The result of all of this is a new folder in the current user’s /Sites/ directory that bears the name of the suite. The catalog is contained in this folder, which includes the html file and an images directory into which all of the suite’s images have been copied. This makes the catalog self contained – you can simply copy the entire folder to a central Web server to make it accessible to your entire team.
After the catalog is generated, the script will try to open it for previewing with Safari.
Limitations:[list][]Only catalogs the images in the top level of the images directory; doesn’t delve into subdirectories.
[]Uses copies of the same TIFF files that exist in the suite; some browsers may not like TIFFs.[/list:u]Possible Enhancements (left as an exercise for the reader )[list][]Modify script to catalog subdirectories.
[]Include a linked index or other navigation.
[]Break larger catalogs into multiple linked pages.
[]Allow sorting of images on different data fields.
[*]Other ideas?[/list:u]Please let us know if you find this script useful.