Eggplant Functional apitest requestbody change full json data

I want change full json data of requestbody.
I scripted below

put JSONValue(file “c:\Temp\test.json”) into fileContents
apitestname{requestbody: fileContents}

but json not update new json data.

I checked. The script is applied as shown below

apitestname{url: “sample url”}

I need some advice…ths

I would put the text representation of the JSON file content instead of an SenseTalk object to the requestBody property.

put file “c:\Temp\test.json” into fileContents
apitestname(requestbody: fileContents)

Hi Everyone,
I am able to reply to a topic but not create a new topic as such.

I have Eggplant Functional and DAI Setup and trying to setup by API Test.
In doing so, need to set my Proxy Settings. Shall be thankful to know how the proxy settings can be achieved from Eggplant Functional please.

Hey @RaghavanKasthuri,

Eggplant function is using the proxy configured in the operating system.
I am not aware of any other option to set a proxy within eggplant.

Hope you are now able to create new topics after you’ve been approved fully.
