Dynamic Selection

As a beginner, I would like to know how to recognise a text without using capture image process or Find Text.

Scenario is, I’ve a mobile device which receive jobs from backend server. So whenever a job receives on mobile device, it will display in ‘main grid’ (as attached).
All I need, use some Dynamic Click options depend on the first line in ‘main grid’. To proceed further, by clicking on that text, user will see job details.

For example, if no jobs received then main grid is blank with white back ground. If some available then they will display one by one and the job initiation will state as ‘N’ which means New job.
In theory, these jobs may change frequently in terms of text so I can’t use “Find Text” and “Capture Image” process.

Is there a tricky process to resolve this odd one??

I hope your header stays constant.

  1. Capture an image with Header and first row blank.

  2. If Imagefound(Header with now rows) then
    Do Nothing
    click (x, y) of attachments location
    End IF

  3. Alternate way to click on attachments is to capture an image with just the header and use control key to point the hot spot of image at attachment’s location