Can I read and process all values in a pulldown list?


I am testing a web app that contains a pulldown list of dynamic unpatterned values, eg, ‘201’,‘30.2’,‘ALT’; the length of the list at runtime is unknown. I would like to be able to read the values in that pulldown list into a container and loop through the values in the container, entering them in a text field on the screen.

I guess the basic questions are:
1 - how can i read the values from a pulldown list?
2 - how can i tell how long the list is?


ps: Great forum!

Actually reading text from the screen is not a strength of eggPlant – it’s sometimes possible to do, but it requires a bit of work to set up. If you can’t select the text and copy it to the clipboard (usually not possible with a drop down list), then it’s preferable to access the same source material that is generating the list. If the data comes from a text file, it’s easy to iterate over the values in the file and pass those data to a TypeText command or use those data to generate Text Images. Or if the data is in a database, and the database can be queried via the command line, then you can use the Shell command to make a call to the database to get the values.

It will be helpful if you explain little more on database connectivity for fetching data as you mentioned
“If the data is in a database, and the database can be queried via the command line, then you can use the Shell command to make a call to the database to get the values”

params b
SetOption ImageSearchCount,1
If ImageFound (b)
	Click b
	If ImageFound ("vscroll") -- vertical Scroll bar
		DragAndDrop "vscroll","uparrow_max" -- drag the scroll bar to top most point 
		If ImageFound(b) 
			Click b
			repeat until ImageFound("vdown_arrow_max") -- the last max point where scroll bar can move
				Click "downarrow" -- down arrow which is used after every search 
				put Mouselocation() into aloc
				setSearchRectangle((aloc+(-190,-130)),(aloc+(15,10))) -- it's one end is hard coded based on the length & width required 
				If ImageFound (b)
					Click b
					put true into result
					exit repeat
					put false into result
				end if 
			end repeat
			If result is false 
				LogError "Not Found in the Drop down "&b
				Log "Found in the Drop down "&b
			end if 	
		end if
		LogError " Not Found in the Dropdown: "&b
	end if
end if
set the SearchRectangle to ()

This code work fine for me.Whenever i need of verify a dropdown list .i will call this script

Run "h_dropdown" "value of b"

only thing is that,you need of know images in the dropdownlist before.

Can anyone suggest a better way do it.

On the topic of querying a database from the command line, here’s an example that uses mySql:

set theShell to "/bin/bash"
open process theShell
set mysql to "/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql"
set SQL to "select * from pet;"
write mysql & return to process theShell
// interactive session with DB
write "use test;" & return to process theShell
write SQL & return to process theShell
write "exit" & return to process theShell
read from process theShell until end
put it
close process theShell

Once you’ve opened the shell process, you can have it execute calls to mySQL as needed:

set theShell to "/bin/bash"
open process theShell
set mysql to "/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql"
put ("cat", "dog", "bird", "fish","ferret") into speciesList
repeat with each species of speciesList
	write mysql & return to process theShell
	write "use test;" & return to process theShell
	set SQL to "select * from pet where species is" && species & ";"
	write SQL & return to process theShell
	write "exit" & return to process theShell
	read from process theShell until end
	put it
end repeat
close process theShell