I have multiple lines of information I need to add to a datasheet but when writing to the datasheet will overwrite the existing information. I have tried “put 1 in seq” and would not work. I typically will have all the information on one line and will go down the list fine but this time I need to add several lines to each sequence.
I have some ideas around this, but I have a few questions:
Are you trying to write to Excel, and if so, are you writing to it as though it was a database (Example: set myExcelDB to {type: “excel”, file: “//.xlsx”})?
Are you trying to create a new record with the new data or append it to the existing data?
Could you provide a bit more code for your “put 1 in seq” example?
Thanks for the response. I think we got it to work. Anne was back to the rescue. Here is what we came up with.
//Start open Scotty…do only ONCE &^(&&^(&^(&^(&^(&^(&^(&^(&^(&^
typetext windowsKey
typetext {{
“C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\ICA Client\SelfServicePlugin\SelfService.exe” -launch -reg “Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bswapps-73b3f2d4@@BSWEPIC715.Epic Non-Prod Sco-1” -desktopShortcut
typetext return
//This window will open and will enlarge the screen
if ImageFound(text:“Teleport”, searchrectangle: (181,44,1075,644), waitfor: 130)
click Imagelocation(text:“Teleport”, searchrectangle: (181,44,1075,644))
//once in the login screen will need to enlarge the screen
typetext altkey, spacebar
typetext “x”
end if
//Finish opening Scotty…e…e…e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.
//putting the patient names into a group and assigning tabs to them
put (“Willow/Zzrxipmaster,Casey.ept”, “Willow/Zzrxipmaster,Henry.ept”) into ptname
//tab names
put (“Casey”, “Henry”) into tabname
///////repeat loop within each patient to ca//Logging into the scotty application
//will need to select import patients once the screen is maximized
typetext altkey, “i”
wait 2
typetext “ace11”, tab
set the nextkeydelay to .05
//generic credentials will be used here
typetext “eggadtpa”, tab
typetext “eggplant”
wait .2
if ImageFound(text:“Remember”, searchrectangle: (767,561,993,697), waitfor: 1)
click ImageLocation(text:“Remember”, searchrectangle: (767,561,993,697))
end if
typetext return
// a repeat can be inserted here until all of the patients have been completed
put 0 into seq
repeat with each patient in ptname
log item seq of ptname
log item seq of tabname
wait .02
typetext controlKey, "a"
//This is where we srt pulling in the patient name information. All we need is the name the patient ept file
//will need to configure to pull from the datasheet
typetext "/epic/nonprdfiles/app/training/scotty/"&(item (seq+1) of ptname)
wait .2
typetext return
//will wait for the fix issues to appear
WaitFor 222, (text:"Fix Issues", searchrectangle: (4,70,488,456))--will need to figure how to work this because it may take alot of time to appear
//if ImageFound(text:"Fix Issues", searchrectangle: (4,70,488,456))pture data
//setting the batch info
typetext altkey, "b"
wait 1
typetext altkey, "I"
wait 1
typetext altkey, "b"
wait 1
typetext altkey, "u"
wait 2
put keepCharacters(ReadText(5,269,45,287), "0123456789") into itemnum
log itemnum
set myDB to (file:ResourcePath("MST.xlsx"), type:"excel", writeable:"Yes")
set Patientdata to table (item seq of tabname) of mydb
click (200, 400)
typetext homeKey
repeat itemnum times
put "" into patient
Put itemnum into patient.Item_total
Put the counter into patient.Item_Num
log "we are on" && the counter
put readtext (443,280,646,317) into INI_NUM
put INI_NUM into patient.INI_NUM
put readtext (450,311,1540,348) into Item_name
log Item_name
put INI_NUM into patient.Item_name
put readtext (448,342,1538,379) into Issue_type
log Issue_type
put INI_NUM into patient.Issue_type
put readtext (493,381,1897,419) into How_to_fix
log How_to_fix
put How_to_fix into patient.How_to_fix
put readtext (441,476,588,520) into Source_ID
log Source_ID
put Source_ID into patient.Source_ID
put readtext (439,508,562,551) into Target_ID
log Target_ID
put Target_ID into patient.Target_ID
put readtext (688,468,1894,519) into Source_Name
log Source_Name
put Source_Name into patient.Source_Name
put readtext (684,517,1883,543) into Target_Name
log Target_Name
put Target_Name into patient.Target_Name
add record patient to Patientdata
typetext downArrow
end repeat
//add 1 to seq
If ImageFound(text:"Abort", searchrectangle: (24,918,458,1079), waitfor: 1)
click ImageLocation(text:"Abort", searchrectangle: (24,918,458,1079))
if ImageFound(text:"Scotty", searchrectangle: (746,383,1188,648),waitfor: 1)
typetext return
end if
if ImageFound(text:"Teleport", searchrectangle: (9,15,367,205), waitfor: 10)
typetext altkey, "i"
typetext return
end if
end if
end repeat
//Put Anne stuff here
//Start open Scotty…do only ONCE &^(&&^(&^(&^(&^(&^(&^(&^(&^(&^
set myDB to (file:ResourcePath(“MST.xlsx”), type:“excel”, writeable:“Yes”)
set Patientdata to table (item seq of tabname) of mydb
set PTTAB to table (item seq of PTtabname) of mydb
set PTLIST to (file:ResourcePath(“MSTPT.xlsx”), type:“excel”, writeable:“Yes”)*)
//open pt list-
set myexcelfile to (workbook (ResourcePath(“MSTPT .xlsx”)))
log myexcelfile.worksheetnames
put myexcelfile.worksheetnames into Teamslist
log teamslist
//opening scotty via citrix
typetext windowsKey
typetext {{
“C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\ICA Client\SelfServicePlugin\SelfService.exe” -launch -reg “Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bswapps-73b3f2d4@@BSWEPIC715.Epic Non-Prod Sco-1” -desktopShortcut
typetext return
//This window will open and will enlarge the screen
if ImageFound(text:“Teleport”, searchrectangle: (181,44,1075,644), waitfor: 130)
click Imagelocation(text:“Teleport”, searchrectangle: (181,44,1075,644))
//once in the login screen will need to enlarge the screen
typetext altkey, spacebar
typetext “x”
end if
//end of open scotty
//logging into scotty
typetext altkey, “i”
wait 2
typetext “ace11”, tab
set the nextkeydelay to .05
//generic credentials will be used here
typetext “eggadtpa”, tab
typetext “eggplant”
wait .2
if ImageFound(text:“Remember”, searchrectangle: (767,561,993,697), waitfor: 1)
click ImageLocation(text:“Remember”, searchrectangle: (767,561,993,697))
end if
typetext return
repeat with each item team of teamslist
log “working on tab” && team&&“of the MSTPT sheet”
//this is where the mst file for the patient data
set myDB to (file:ResourcePath(“MST_”&Team&".xlsx"), type:“excel”, writeable:“Yes”)
log mydb
//This opens up the tab with the list of patients
set currenttable to myexcelfile.worksheet(team)
log currenttable.cellrange ("A") &&"of MSTPT file variable = currenttable.cellrange"
put currenttable.cellrange ("A") into PTLIST1
//need to strip brackets and " off of iems of ptlist"
//need to past the full patient file name into scotty to pull the pt information
repeat with each item ptdirect of ptlist1
put item 1 of ptdirect into ptdirect--cellrange returns list and this removes the list
typetext controlkey, "a"
typetext "/epic/nonprdfiles/app/training/scotty/"&Team&"/"& ptdirect
wait .2
typetext return
(* end repeat--testing remove
end repeat–testing remove*)
//will wait for the fix issues to appear this needs to go after the ept file has been selected
WaitFor 222, (text:“Fix Issues”, searchrectangle: (4,70,488,456))–will need to figure how to work this because it may take alot of time to appear
//repeat with each item ptmaster of ptlist1
put characters (the character number of “,” within ptdirect) + 1 to (the character number of “.” within ptdirect) - 1 of ptdirect into ptname
log ptname
set pttab to ()
set pttab to table (ptname)of mydb
typetext controlKey, “a”
//setting the batch info
typetext altkey, "b"
wait 1
typetext altkey, "I"
wait 1
typetext altkey, "b"
wait 1
typetext altkey, "u"
wait 2
put keepCharacters(ReadText(5,269,45,287), "0123456789") into itemnum
log itemnum
click (200, 400)
typetext homeKey
repeat itemnum times
put "" into patient
Put itemnum into patient.Item_total
Put the counter into patient.Item_Num
log "we are on" && the counter
put readtext (443,280,646,317) into INI_NUM
put INI_NUM into patient.INI_NUM
put readtext (450,311,1540,348) into Item_name
log Item_name
put Item_name into patient.Item_name
put readtext (448,342,1538,379) into Issue_type
log Issue_type
put Issue_type into patient.Issue_type
put readtext (494,375,1919,455) into How_to_fix
log How_to_fix
put How_to_fix into patient.How_to_fix
put readtext (441,476,588,520) into Source_ID
log Source_ID
put Source_ID into patient.Source_ID
put readtext (684,470,1906,515) into Source_Name
log Source_Name
put Source_Name into patient.Source_Name
put readtext (439,508,562,551) into Target_ID
log Target_ID
put Target_ID into patient.Target_ID
put readtext (688,468,1894,519) into Source_Name
log Source_Name
put Source_Name into patient.Source_Name
put readtext (684,517,1883,543) into Target_Name
log Target_Name
put Target_Name into patient.Target_Name
add record patient to pttab
typetext downArrow
end repeat
If ImageFound(text:"Abort", searchrectangle: (24,918,458,1079), waitfor: 1)
click ImageLocation(text:"Abort", searchrectangle: (24,918,458,1079))
if ImageFound(text:"Scotty", searchrectangle: (746,383,1188,648),waitfor: 1)
typetext return
end if
if ImageFound(text:"Teleport", searchrectangle: (9,15,367,205), waitfor: 10)
typetext altkey, "i"
typetext return
end if
end if
end repeat
end repeat
//end of annes code