XMLRPC Refercence


I’m new to eggPlant and searching for a complete XMLRPC reference. I’d like to toy around a bit.

Is there something like that? Inside of the documentation I could only find a small demo.


We don’t document XMLRPC specifically – it’s not our protocol. The examples tell you pretty much everything you need to know about using XMLRPC to run eggPlant/SenseTalk commands. Aside from establishing the session, the only thing you need XMLRPC for is sending the SenseTalk commands, and that’s always done the same way, and there are multiple examples showing it. The rest of the coding will be specific to your chosen language, and we assume that you will choose a language you’re familiar with; otherwise you should just use eggPlant directly, since there’s no benefit to using eggDrive unless you have an existing framework to incorporate eggPlant into.


So, that means the XMLRPC API is not documented?
(*i do not expect a XMLRPC language doc :smiley: *)

How do i know what eggPlant does support?


It’s fully documented: StartSession, Execute, EndSession. That’s the complete API. You can use the Execute command to run any SenseTalk code, which is what all the rest of the documentation covers. That said, eggDrive is running an XMLRPC server, so there may be other commands that are inherently supported by the server, but they have nothing to do with the eggDrive implementation.

Ah ok, I thought there are more functions implemented on the side of eggPlant.

Thank you for your help.

