Will a Catch work twice?

If I have a catch in a “Master” script like so:

put (“smoke10” , “smoke11” , “smoke6” , “smoke7” , “smoke8”) into scriptList

repeat for each item in scriptList
put it
run it

	// this will place the exception name into a variable
	put exceptionName() & exceptionreason() into var
	// this will write the value of 'var' to a file of your choosing
	put var & return after file "~/Desktop/mFoundryLogs/logfile.txt"
	//increment of yes will ensure that you don't replace existing images
	captureScreen(name:var, increment:Yes)
end try

end repeat

… but each of the scripts I’m running also has a catch… will the catch in the master work? Since if the script in the scriptlist fails… the master won’t consider that a fail?

See what I mean?

Nevermind… I think the answer is no… but if I just put that in the catch for the individual tests… voila!

You can always throw the error again (or throw a new one) to a higher level try loop from within the catch.

That is a common practice if the problem is of larger scope than the lower level script can handle.