Welcome to the "Using Eggplant" forum!

We’re excited to offer our user community the chance to interact and exchange tips, ideas, and experiences. We invite and encourage everyone to participate in these forums and we’ll do our part to make them useful and informative. Let us know if you have any suggestions for improving this aspect of our Web site by posting a response to this message.

We plan to add more forums in the future as topics and traffic dictate. We will strive to anticipate and respond to the communities needs, just as we do with the Eggplant product.

Once again, welcome and happy posting!

The Redstone Software Team

Thanks, Matt, for getting this all set up and ready to go!

With the tremendous response we had following our presentation this morning here at WWDC, I think having these forums available for people using and evaluating Eggplant is going to be more important than ever. On first look, the capabilities and usability of the Community pages look excellent!

I think it’s time to go public and open this site up to the entire Eggplant community as soon as possible. Welcome aboard, everyone!

Now that’s something to look forward to!

Congrats Redstone on the new site, and the rocking aubergine we call Eggplant!

Micki :lol: