Vista TIG?

The current Windows TIG is XP only, and as a matter of fact hangs Eggplant if for me if I try to use it with Vista. This is really going to cause problems if I have to capture images everywhere I use text images. Any word on when a Vista TIG might become available?

This is the first report we have of the Windows TIG actually causing hangs. We know many people who have gotten it to work and match most (but not ALL) fonts rendered on Vista.

So let’s look at the hanging problem first. If you could hang Eggplant doing what you described and then SAMPLE Eggplant using the Activity Monitor application. Send that output to our support email and we’ll figure out what’s hanging.

[quote=“JonathanOSX”]This is the first report we have of the Windows TIG actually causing hangs. We know many people who have gotten it to work and match most (but not ALL) fonts rendered on Vista.

So let’s look at the hanging problem first. If you could hang Eggplant doing what you described and then SAMPLE Eggplant using the Activity Monitor application. Send that output to our support email and we’ll figure out what’s hanging.[/quote]

Thanks, Jonathan. I just sent it in.

I’m now seeing this hang on another Intel iMac that’s connecting to a Windows XP SUT. Any ideas yet what might be causing it? I’ve got 3 new scripters and it’s going to be difficult for them if they can’t make this work :frowning:

Ok, the hang I’m seeing from your sample is a 4.0 issue where the Doctor is trying to trigger for a Text Image. This is a bug (the Doctor shouldn’t be engaging for Text Generated Images). Please upgrade to 4.0.1 and I believe that will resolve your hanging issue.

Of course there is an underlying issue of the image not being found, but that is a separate problem that we’ll better be able to determine when it’s not hanging.

You also submitted a crash report. It appears that it crashed while resolving the TIG host IP/name. If that is repeatable (or if you remember the settings) can you tell us how your Generator property was set? We’ve seen this at least once before but have been unable to duplicate it no matter what heinous values we put into the field there.