Vine Server 3.0 outbound on port 80

When I launch Vine Server 3.0, Little Snitch is saying it is trying to connect to ? or ? on port 80.

Just curious why.


Mac OS X 10.4.11 (PPC)

I’m not sure why it’s calling those url’s… But to lookup the network/machine’s external IP we do make a call to:

We choose this URL because it returns exactly an external IP and no more. So it requires no parsing or other analysis.

However if you would like to change this lookup URL to another (or disable that feature altogether) you can enter this line in a terminal.

defaults write com.redstonesoftware.VineServer externalIPURL A_NEW_URL_TO_USE 

(or “” to disable)

Keep in mind that the URL -must- return an IP and only an IP address to work.