Vine 3.0 Public Beta

Thanks for the report, I think we did see that and managed to fix up the miscounting connections for Beta2.

Mac OS X 10.5.1, running Vine Server 3.0 beta 2, while using RealVNC Viewer 4.3.2 from a windows xp machine, my vnc session acts like the Apple/Command key is being held down/continuously pressed. A good example is while using spotlight. If i type any word that contains the letter ‘I’, the Finder Inspector window pops up. Also, while using Camino, if i type an address into the address bar, and hit enter, a new window is opened in the background. Any idea why this behavior is occuring? Do I have a setting incorrectly set? Or is this a bug?

Running that basic configuration here (RealVNC -> VS3.0B2) seems to work fine.

Not that any of the new keyboard choices should be holding down command but what keyboard choice do you have selected in Vine Server -> Preferences AND what is the actual keyboard layout of your machine?

It sounds reminiscent of the Apple keyboard bug where if a modifier key is held down on the attached keyboard, then a virtual session might inherit it. Like when my Dad leaves CAPS LOCK turned on, I can’t type in lower case on his Mac. Very annoying :slight_smile: Sometimes keys on keyboards get stuck, too…



Yes, it could be something like that - one feature of the Vine 3.0 server actually gives you some greater control over that situation.

Prior servers ALWAYS combined with the hardware device in the way you describe (Hardware Events). For Vine 3.0 we have also added “User Session Events” under preferences -> devices -> keyboard events. Those events will NOT combine with the physical keyboard in this way (unfortunately sometimes you really NEED the hardware to recognize your keys as down).

The default “Smart” mode will actually use “Hardware” if you are the console user and “User Session” if you are working in an off-screen account.

I’m using an IBM keyboard at the console, which gets identified as an ANSI keyboard by Mac OS X. I also changed the Keyboard preferences Modifier Keys to swap the Command and Option key. In VS, I have “Use U.S Keyboard” in the prefs.

Using the new beta Vine Server on 10.5.1 iMac C2D. “About Vine Server”
identifies itself as Beta 3. Set up as System Server, starts itself on boot
/Library/Application Support/VineServer/OSXvnc-server
-rfbport 5902 -desktop MyDesktop
-rfbauth /Library/Application Support/VineServer/.vinevncauth
-localhost -donotloadproxy -systemserver 1 -nevershared -dontdisconnect -nodimming -disablescreensaver -restartonuserswitch N -unicodekeyboard 0 -keyboardloading n -pressmodsforkeys n -eventtap 3 -disablerichclipboards -rendezvous n -maxdepth 8

Accessing using TightVNC Viewer 1.3.9 on Win XP using SSH port forwarding.

On first access, I received “Error accessing password file” (or similar)
after enterring the VNC password. I noticed the .vinevncauth file looked
to be the wrong size given the password I had entered, so I overwrote
that file with the rfbauth file I had used for Vine Server 2.2. After that
it worked fine.

Haven’t tried the login screen yet (left my Mac logged in). I’m waiting
for 10.5.2 to come out, hopefully fixing a wireless startup problem
that prevents the wireless link coming up after a reboot without
logging in.

Good so far, though.

Thanks for the report.

Problem storing password string for System Servers - Confirmed and Fixed.

Hi there,

well I downlaoded the latest beta but I face the following problems:

I run Leopard 10.5.1

  • starting as server
    when starting as server I cannot access the application from dock to configure the server no more from remote

  • localized keyboard
    I use German keyboard layout and for some reason “b” isnt interpreted thought capital “B” is, all other chard are interpreted correctly.

any hints on this?



Thanks for all the good work. I’ve been working with the 3.0 Beta v2 server for a while and I’m having some problems. My environment is a mac running 10.5.1 hosting the server. My viewer is real vnc running on Windows XP. My objective is to get everything set up such that I can log into the mac from the Windows machine and use it.

I’ve set up the system server on the mac to use the US keyboard and to start up automatically. Here’s how things go:

  1. I boot the mac. I can access its login screen from XP, but don’t get the usual mouse pointer. I get an ugly dot that seems to work even though it’s ugly.
  2. I login and then get a disconnect (just like the other posts here). I wait patiently and then try to reconnect, but fail.
  3. Sniffing in the vine logs on the mac, I see that the server is listening on port 5901. It was listening on 5900 at the login screen. Weird, so I try connecting on port 5901 and everything (including the mouse pointer) works fine.

So, I suspect there may be a few bugs here.

Once again, thanks for all the hard work. If you would like more detail let me know.

Right, so on 10.5 disconnecting when you login to the System Server is expected behavior – the server needs to restart to get the new desktop.

We would like for that restart to occur much faster but something in the OS is prevent the proper release of the port, so at this time restarts take about 30 seconds.

Because of this restart, you are probably best off setting your system server to use a specific port (5900) instead of leaving it on Auto, we might change that default behavior. That way the new server comes up on the same port and as soon as it’s ready you can reconnect.

No cursor information for the Login Window seems to be an Apple bug in 10.5, we are working on that one but it probably wont be fixed imminently.