Updating Licence expiration

Afternoon people,

I have a number of licences about to expire (eggFunc, eggMan, Executionals etc).

Whats the best way to pdate these, my machines are stand alone and dont/cant access the web for green house but the company i work for has bought the licence extensions for another year.

Also, when i look at the tab options next to a licence it reads “transfer limit reached” as the only option. Do i need to repeat the licence installationso greenhouse pdates the date on each licence?

any help is appreciated as always.

You don’t need the actual machine online to get it license through Greenhouse, but for node-locked licenses you do need the MAC Address/Host-ID.

However, if you are renewing existing licenses that are already stored in Greenhouse and you can just log in and choose the “Renew…” action which will pre-fill the license with the same host-id that is attached currently. Then you can download those licenses and distribute them.

If you need any other assistance, please contact support@testplant.com.

Hello, and thanks for the reply,

we purchased the new licenses a few months back but greenhouse is not showing a renew option anywhere, so i have done what you said and emailed a support case through.

We were told that greenhouse would be updated prior to the run out date (today).

Il await for a reply from support,
