Unable to display Double quotes with TypeText Command

Hi Guys

Can someone help me on this…

The code looks like this:

TypeText " "C:\\Program Files\\Raja Ramesh\\Version 3\\support\\bin\\win\\RServices.exe" " 

I need the below output to be typed in Command window SUT…

“C:\Program Files\Raja Ramesh\Version 3\support\bin\win\RServices.exe”

Where am I going wrong? Please help me…

Very urgent… getting stuck here… :frowning:

How about this?

TypeText quote & "C:\\Program Files\\Raja Ramesh\\Version 3\\support\\bin\\win\\RServices.exe" & quote 

You can also preserve your quotes using <>.

TypeText <<"C:\\Program Files\\Raja Ramesh\\Version 3\\support\\bin\\win\\RServices.exe">>