Treeview issue

I have an application with a tree view and I want to drag an object with the name “Married” onto the app’s desktop. However there is also an object in the tree view called “Married Males” which because of it’s name looks exactly the same as the “Married” image up until it says “Males”. The attached screenshot shows you the objects, I know that the icons are different but they are part of a collection because the objects can be in many different states.

The problem is that the “Married Males” object gets selected and I want the “Married” object to get selected instead. What’s the best solution to this problem?


In situations like this I usually just capture some extra white space at the end of the single word; if it’s wider than the space in the two-word phrase, the eggPlant will only match the single word.

Thanks for that Matt, I had just reached the same conclusion myself. Sorry to have wasted your time! :oops: