Three Questions about Eggplant

I’m using eggplant with a evaluation license and have some questions. Hope you can help me:

  1. Is it possible to integrate eggplant-tests in apache ant?
  2. Can you run multiple tests on a single SUT at the same time (parallel execution)?
  3. Can I debug tests over the command line?

Thanks in advance!

Hello Philipp,

We can do basic integration with everything that can start an external application as eggPlant can be started from the command line.

You can have multiple licenses installed on a single machine allowing multiple parallel execution against different SUTs

The debugger controls are all in the GUI so this limits debugging to when you are running it as a normal application. When you are running it from the command line you can have eggPlant redirect the log entries to the console as well as you can look in the results folder to follow the steps that have been performed. Both options are a one way stream only

I hope this helps you, please let us know if you have any other questions