Sending errors/warnings from the test run via e-mail

Hi, does anybody know how to filter errors, warnings from the test run and send them via e-mail?

So that’s a delightful little two parter question.

How do I filter Errors and Warning from the Test Run?
I figured this was worth an example so I put one up here.

How do I send results via mail?
Sending Email from Eggplant is easy you just use the SendMail command.

The hardest part is that you need to configure Eggplant with settings to your mail server (you can do that in Eggplant->Preferences->Mail) or you can do it as part of your SendMail command.

Here is a snippet that uses the example that I just posted.

SendMail (To: "", \
		From:"", \
		Subject:the name of me & "Test Results", \
		Body: InterestingResults() )