Searching text very slow through OCR

Eggplant OCR searches the text very slow, It is taking nearly 2- 3 mins to search the text .
Please provide some suggestion to search the text fast.

Here I am using this code to search the text :

if Imagefound (Text: “ABC”&x ,Searchrectangle :(“TopLeft”,“BottomRight”),validCharacters:“ABC0123456789”)
– some action –
Repeat until Imagefound (Text: “ABC”&x ,Searchrectangle :(“TopLeft”,“BottomRight”),validCharacters:“ABC0123456789”)
Click “PageScrollUp”
moveto MouseLocation()+(-15,0)
end Repeat
– some action –
end if

Note:- I am passing parameter ‘x’

You’re already doing one of the best things to improve performance, which is to set a SearchRectangle to limit the portion of the screen being searched. However, you’re setting the SearchRectangle by using two image names, which requires two additional searches (of the entire screen) before each text search. You can improve this by setting the searchRectangle once in advance. Here’s one way to do this:

set mySearchRect to (imageLocation("TopLeft"), imageLocation("BottomRight"))

if Imagefound (Text: "ABC"&x, Searchrectangle:mySearchRect, validCharacters:"ABC0123456789") 
  -- some action -- 
  Repeat until Imagefound (Text: "ABC"&x ,Searchrectangle:mySearchRect, validCharacters:"ABC0123456789") 
    Click "PageScrollUp" 
    moveto MouseLocation()+(-15,0) 
  end Repeat 
-- some action -- 
end if