Repeating Steps with Different Images

I’m writing a script at the moment to test several buttons in a dialog box, to ensure that they call the correct dialog box. Right now I have a repeat loop with an incrementing variable, ie if testNum=1, then click button x, if testNum=2 then click button Y, etc.

What I have thus far looks like this:

repeat while testNum is less than or equal to 14
	if testNum = 1 then
		set whatControl to "button1"
		if anyimagefound("XP/XP_button1Verified") then
			set isTestSucessful to "YES"
			set isTestSucessful to "NO"
		end if
	end if
       //if testNum=2 then...
	run WriteResults(whatControl,isTestSucessful)
	add 1 to testNum

if I continue with this method I’ll have an “if testNum=X” then click (imageY) loop for each button. I’m fine with that, but I’m interested to know if there’s an easier or more efficient way of doing it.

Thanks a lot, all


Hi, Allen:

If you’ve already got buttons named “XP_Button_button1”, “XP_Button_button2”, … “XP_Button_buttonx” and the corresponding “XP/XP_button1Verified”, etc., then you could rewrite your code like this:

repeat 14 times  // I'm assuming you have 14 tests
    put repeatIndex() into count
    clickany"XP_Button_button" & count
    if anyimagefound("XP/XP_button" & count & "Verified") then
        WriteResults("button" & count, "YES") 
        WriteResults("button" & count, "NO") 
    end if
end repeat

So, you can build image names in the command/function calls by concatenating the number onto the basename of the images. I’m using the repeatIndex() function – which is an automatically incremented counter that’s available in all SenseTalk repeat loops – as a shortcut.

If you had a similar test, but you had to use images that weren’t named using numbers, you could do the same sort of thing by first putting the image names into one or more lists:

put ( "Edit button", "Save button" , "Delete button" ) into testList
put ( "Edit panel", "Save panel", "Delete panel" ) into verifyList

repeat with each button of testList 
    click button
    if imagefound( item repeatCount() of verifyList ) then
        WriteResults(button, "YES") 
        WriteResults(button, "NO") 
    end if
end repeat

Let me know if you have any questions.

  • Matt

Aha! I’d forgotten about RepeatIndex()

Thanks, Matt


Looking at your post closer, I do have a question or two:

every example of repeat with each that I’ve seen always uses item. So I assume you can simply substitute item with a variable?

    click button
    if imagefound( item repeatCount() of verifyList ) then
        WriteResults(button, "YES") 
        WriteResults(button, "NO") 
    end if
end repeat

I see you changed my sub-script into a function. I’m having trouble getting my head around functions (my only programming experience has been a Pascal class about 7 years ago). So, sorry for the stupid newbie questions ahead…

First, what is the advantage to passing the data off to a function as opposed to another script? Judging by the documentation, they do nearly the same thing.

If I got this right, I declare a function by saying

function ReallyNifty (value1,value2,value3)
           do stuff
           do this stuff
           do that stuff
end function

To call said function, all I have to do is

ReallyNifty(1,2,"Buckle My Shoe")

If what I have above is correct, then it’s the code snippets in the docu that are throwing me for a loop. Most all of them use the word ON. I’ve read the section for ON, but I don’t understand what that actually does. could you give me a quick tutorial?

Thanks again, for all your help, Matt


[quote=“FHQWHGADS”]Looking at your post closer, I do have a question or two:

every example of repeat with each that I’ve seen always uses item. So I assume you can simply substitute item with a variable?

Yes. That was a change made in Eggplant 1.5. Prior to that change, if you wanted to specify a variable for the iterator, you would do it like this:

repeat with button = each item of testList
    put button
end repeat

If you don’t specify a variable, Eggplant uses the default iterator “it”:

repeat with each item of myList
    put it
end repeat

ON is the keyword that indicates a command declaration. The code in a script that appears before a command or function declaration is called an initial handler, and it’s really just a special ON handler.

I tend to use scripts and command (aka ON) handlers for actions that don’t need to return a value and functions for actions that do. But the next release of Eggplant will actually have a new handler declaration that can be called as either a command or a function.

[quote=“FHQWHGADS”]Thanks again, for all your help, Matt


You’re welcome. Thanks for the interesting questions.

Hola again, Matt –

I have a follow-up question about this chunk of code:

I can’t seem to get this to work. Eggplant barfs on

if imagefound( item repeatCount() of verifyList ) then..

with this error:

No Handler Found: function repeatcount Execution Time 0:00:06 MyScript.script [/quote]

I suspected it wouldn’t work, because “item” and “of” never got their syntax coloring. Doesn’t seem to matter whether I use repeatindex() or repeatcount().

Thanks again,

Allen (who feels like the only one talking on the forum… :oops: )

Oops. Sorry about that. RepeatCount() should be RepeatIndex(). I always want to call it RepeatCount(), to the point that I actually created RepeatCount() helper function that just calls RepeatIndex(). I caught myself doing the same thing on another post earlier today.