RemoteClipboard () always

Hi, my sut and eggplant are on the same Mac, but with different user.

And I try to use RemoteClipboard to copy some text from sut, but the content is my eggplant user “command + c” content.
Any method to solve this.

Appreciate your help.

You should post the code you’re using to set the clipboard. If “command + c” is any indication, then it’s not correct. It should look something like this:

typetext commandkey, "a" //select all
typetext commandkey, "c" //copy to clipboard
put remoteClipboard() into myVar

Hi, My code is as following:

DoubleClick //select related content

typetext commandkey,“c”

put remoteclipboard() into temp

Thanks for your help.

There’s got to be something else going on – is that the actual code (cut and pasted from the script) or did you type in what you think the code is? The code you posted should generally work as long as the doubleclick is selecting the text. It sort of sounds like at some point you have a line that looks like this:

TypeText "commandkey, " & quote & "c" & quote & ""

It sounds sort of like you used the typetext button on the toolbar and did an “Insert” instead of an “Insert unquoted”, but at some point you copy what you typed.