"Put" + 1 each time a script repeats?

I have this script that repeats 100 times.

I need to know how many times it runs before it fails.

So I I’m thinking of putting a counter in the log each time it starts.

A. Sound like the way to do it?

B. How do you do it?

repeat 100 times

     Do stuff successfully

Put <<Test>>&Xtimes&return after file "/Users/johnspitta/Desktop/Logs/TestlinkfileInput.txt"

End Repeat

Hey John–

You can use the repeatIndex() function to see how many times into a loop you are. If you know it’s going to fail, maybe use a try/catch block around the code:

repeat 100 times
    //do stuff
    put repeatIndex() after file "/path/to/file"
    exit repeat --if you want to stop
  end try
  put repeatIndex() after file "/path/to/file" --if it gets all the way through
end repeat

Hope that helps!

Yup, I actually expect it to fail but I still need to know how many times it ran successfully since each run will produce records in a DB that we need to count.