Problems typing the german 'b'


i already wrote about this known problem in some threads but couldn’t find a solution yet.

To sum it up: When using a german keyboard layout through vine vnc everything works great except the lowercase ‘b’ - i’m not able to type one.


FYI: I just installed 3.1 beta which doesn’t fix the problem.

Yup, we have another fix that we hope to get up very soon… stay tuned.

Is there a fix for that yet? I still have the same problem.

Any update on the progress of squashing this keyboard layout bug?

The following keys are not working for me:

chr:‘o’, ascii:111, keycode:79
chr:‘O’, ascii:79, keycode:79 (modifier: SHIFT)

chr:’)’, ascii:41, keycode:57 (modifier: SHIFT)

chr:’?’, ascii:180, keycode:219
chr:’`’, ascii:96, keycode:219 (modifier: SHIFT)

chr:’?’, ascii:168, keycode:59
chr:’^’, ascii:94, keycode:59 (modifier: SHIFT)

Really annoying since at least the brackets and the ‘o’ characters are pretty essential for development or shell interaction.

We’ve just posted an updated Vine Server Beta that we hope addresses this problem. Please read this notice –