need Suggestion on repeat loop

I would like to know how better to use repeat loops.In the following code

  1. first thing i want to avoid using the folder name “moduleA” in each of my image
    2.I used set b=1 as a start and move on ?If i’m not incrementing the value of b .It click on the whichever image available first at the time of search.I feel some other better approach should be there to be used,to select the list of item in order, for every loop starts .Any suggestion.

set a = {"moduleA/image1","moduleA/image2","moduleA/image3","moduleA/image4"}
set b=1
repeat  with each item of a
	Click item b of a
        --do something
	put b+1into b
end repeat

set a = {"image1","image2","image3","image4"}
repeat  with each item of a
	Click "moduleA/" & it
        --do something
end repeat

Thanks Matt.It Worked gr8!