How to write a repeat loop

Hi there,

Can someone help me on repeat loop. My requirement is stated below.

I am reading an excel sheet as shown below.

set taskid to workbook(Resourcepath(“TaskID.xlsx”))
set sheet1 to worksheet(taskid,1)
put sheet1.cellRange(“A”) into status

Now i have to use repeat loop and run a test case with each of the record available in the sheet. I am looking for some help on how to run a loop for it.

Thanks in advance


Hi Kartheek,

I think you will find the database approach easier than the workbook/sheet approach when iterating through an Excel file. Please check out the following links for information on how to do this:

I agree here with eggycarrie. Working with Property Lists (aka Hash) is easier. Assuming your spreadsheet is organized with a header and value.

set taskid to workbook(file:Resourcepath(“TaskID.xlsx”), name:“taskid”)
put the records of taskid into data

Repeat for each record in data
Do something cool…
End Repeat