Eggplant pauses on execution

While executing the script eggplant pauses eventhough the image is visible/exists,can any suggest if there is any way to avaoid this.

If eggPlant says it can’t find an image, then either the image on the screen is different in some way from the captured image, or you have a timing issue (the image is appearing, but only after eggPlant has already stopped looking for it.) Diagnosing timing issues is described in the the Using Eggplant manual. If you don’t think it is a timing issue, you can send the captured image and a screenshot that you think it should match to the TestPlant support address and we can tell you why it is not finding the image.

The pause happens for a loop which iterates through on various values,below script is where i m facing this issue

set the defaultLineDelimiter to empty
put file "D:\iStay2-Eggplant_Script\Controller\Controller.csv into controller
repeat with ctrlr_line = each line of controller
if item 2 of ctrlr_line id “Y” then
put item 1 of ctrlr_line into ActionScript
run ActionScript
next repeat
end if
end repeat

could you please provide a solution on the same

Have you accidentally set a breakpoint on that script? Is there a little arrow in the left-hand margin where the pause is occurring? If so, you can remove it by dragging it out of the column or by selecting the “Remove all breakpoints” option from the Run menu. If this is the problem, the breakpoint was placed there when at some point you clicked in that column.

Yes,thanks for your help :slight_smile:

It would be really great if a breakpoint pause notification was added to the Run Window > Log Pane that clues in the user as to why the script has stopped executing.