EggPlant 12 Docs

I’m going to have to say that while I understand the reasoning for moving the documentation to an online format, its current implementation is horrible.
I would expect something like a page for each command or similar commands with thing relating to those linked on the page, the use of said command, and possibly an example. While I was able to find what I was looking for (‘remoteworkinterval’ while searching for ‘interval’), a title of “Finding Images” is not what I expected to be looking for. Something like “Global Properties” or “Script Timing” would have caught my eye.

Examples of other online documentation in the explained style can be found at the following pages:

Erik, thanks for your feedback. We really do appreciate it and take all customer feedback into consideration.

The nice thing about the online system is that we can be making those changes quickly and without requiring those improvements to go alongside a product release.

I can specifically confirm that breaking the sections into smaller, more discrete pages is something that is already underway. We are also looking at ways to improve the search functionality.

Keep your suggestions coming and we’ll do everything we can to improve eggPlant and the online documentation.