documentation generator for Eggplant

I am trying to Generate documentation for all my reusable actions functions . By extending the script send earlier about building a catalogue of test scripts

The issue I am facing is that in a script I am assuminmg that there may be one or more handlers with details for each like

Description of the script
(@@Initial Handler aka Constructor.
This contains all the Reusable code related to User Login for IVE.@@

Comment for handler 1
(@@@Handler: IVEUserLogin
@Param: platform , Name of the Platform of the SUT
@return: none
@Description: This script reads from an Configuration file the Values of the various IVE Parameters and launches the main Login script accordingly. The script accepts a platform as a Parameter and according to that connects to the respective VNC Server
@Author: default
@Version: 1.0
@throws: exception

… some code

(@@Initial Handler aka Constructor.
This contains all the Reusable code related to User Login for IVE.@@

(@@@Handler: IVEUserLogin2
@Param: platform , Name of the Platform of the SUT
@return: none
@Description: This script reads from an Configuration file the Values of the various IVE Parameters and launches the main Login script accordingly. The script accepts a platform as a Parameter and according to that connects to the respective VNC Server
@Author: default
@Version: 1.0
@throws: exception

and so on

How can I extract only upto the end of the first handlers documentation?

Having 2 chunk of string for both the handlers

This code does not work for me

function getDatabetween startText , endText , fullText

put "" into chunkRet 
set num to 0 
set prevnum to 0 

repeat forever 
	set num to offset(startText, fullText, num)
	answer num
	if num is equal to 0 then exit repeat 
	if prevnum is not equal to 0 then 
		if num - prevnum is greater than 9000 then exit repeat
		put chars length(startText)+prevnum to num- length(endText) of fullText into chunkRet 
		answer chunkRet
	end if 
	set prevnum to num 
	--put num 
end repeat 
if chunkRet is empty then put "No description available/found" into chunkRet 

return chunkRet 

end getDatabetween

Hi, looks like I should have read ahead to this post before I replied to the last one. :wink:

To simply extract the text between a starting and ending delimiter, this should work:

function getDataBetween startText, endText, fullText
	put offset of startText in fullText into num
	if num is zero then return empty -- startText wasn't found
	add the length of startText to num -- skip past the starting delimiter
	return item 1 delimited by endText of chars num to last of fullText
end getDataBetween

It looks like maybe you were trying to get more than one delimited chunk at once though? Here’s a variation that returns a list of things enclosed by a pair of delimiters:

function getListOfDataBetween startText, endText, fullText
	set returnList to an empty list
	split fullText by startText -- turn it into a list
	delete item 1 of fullText -- delete the part before the first startText
	repeat with each item of fullText
		insert item 1 delimited by endText of it into returnList
	end repeat
	return returnList
end getListOfDataBetween

This code assumes relatively simple cases (no nesting, etc.) but should work for what you want. So, for example, you could call it like this to get a list of every documentation block in a script:

-- assume the text of a script is in aScript
set docList to getListOfDataBetween("(*@@", "@@*)", aScript)

repeat with each item doc of docList
	put ">>>"
	put doc-- process further
end repeat

I hope this helps. I’ll try to find time to work on a complete script soon. In the meantime let us know if you need more help, and please post your final script once you get it all working.

I have started on The Doc generator . Wanted to take your opinion/code :slight_smile: on this . I am seperating out the Script and all its handlers into individual html Files . Later on I want to cross Link the same …

Can you advise on the Directory Structure and other tips …
Please note that the Code has issues in it while Parsing the Handler Parameters .
1 Problem is How do I use a Property List in a nice way so that the handlerName is the Key and values is a List of ( parameters again a List ) , Author , Version , ReturnVal and Description

(@@This script creates an HTML page that lists all the scripts
located in a suite. This script can be called from the
command line or run directly in Eggplant.
From bharathh’s code, modified slightly by Doug.@@

(* Allows Script to be run from command line *)
params suitePath

setlogging off

set preferredBrowser to “Safari” – or set to “Firefox”, “OmniWeb”, etc. --doug

set suiteName to “”

if suitePath is empty then
(* Getting Suite Information *)
put getSuitePath() into suitePath
if suitePath is empty then exit handler --doug
end if

put item 1 to -2 delimited by “.” of the last item delimited by “/” of suitePath into suiteName --doug

(* Getting output file *)
put getOutputFile(suiteName) into outputFile

(* Go through file list to catalog them *)
put suitePath & “/Scripts/” into scriptsFolder
put the files of scriptsFolder into lScripts

createStyleSheetFor outputFile --doug

(* Creating output file as HTML *)
createHTMLPage outputFile, lScripts, suiteName, scriptsFolder

repeat with each item of lScripts
if it ends with “.script” then
put chars 1 to -8 of it’s name into scriptName
put getOutputFile(scriptName) into scriptOutFile
answer scriptOutFile
createStyleSheetFor scriptOutFile --doug
put createHTMLOfScript (scriptOutFile , scriptName) into res
end if
end repeat

(* Open file with Browser *)
open outputFile with preferredBrowser

(* Sub for logging *)
on logFile strToLog, outputFile
–put "+++++ Writing " & strToLog
put strToLog & return after file outputFile
end logFile

function getSuitePath
(* Select suite to catalog *)
answer folder “Select Suite to Catalog” \
in folder (items 1 to -4 delimited by “/” of the long name of me)

(* Check for empty string in case of cancel *) 
if it is empty then return it 

(* Check if valid eggplant suite has been chosen *) 
if it ends with ".suite" then return it 
else return empty 

end getSuitePath

function getOutputFile suiteName
set tempStr to suiteName
replace every occurrence of " " with “_” in tempStr

put "~/Sites/ScriptCatalogs/" & tempStr & ".html" into outputFile 
create file outputFile 
return outputFile 

end getOutputFile

on createHTMLPage outputFile, lScripts, suiteName, scriptFolder --doug
(* Creating Header *)
set headerTemplate to {{

[[tab & tab]]
[[tab & tab & tab & suiteName]] Script Catalog
[[tab & tab]]"
[[tab & tab]]
logFile merge(headerTemplate), outputFile

(* Creating body *) 
set bodyTemplate to {{
[[tab & tab]]<H1>Script Catalog for Suite - [[suiteName]]</H1> 

[[if the number of items of lScripts is greater than 0 then]] 
[[tab & tab]]<TABLE BGCOLOR=lightyellow BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="2" CELLPADDING="8"> 
[[tab & tab & tab]]<TR>
[[tab & tab & tab]]<TH> Script Name </TH> 
[[tab & tab & tab]]<TH COLSPAN="10"> Description </TH> 
[[tab & tab & tab]]</TR> 
[[repeat with each item of lScripts 
if it ends with ".script" then 
put chars 1 to -8 of it's name into scriptName ]]

[[tab & tab & tab]]<TR CELLPADDING="2"> 
[[tab & tab & tab]]<TD>[[scriptName]]</TD> 
[[put getScriptDescription(scriptFolder & it) into sDescription]] 
[[tab & tab & tab]]<TD CLASS="sp" COLSPAN="10">[[sDescription]]</TD> 
[[tab & tab & tab]]</TR> 
[[end if 
end repeat]] 
[[tab & tab]]</TABLE> 
[[tab & tab]]<h2> No scripts available for cataloging</h2> 
[[end if]] 
logFile merge(bodyTemplate), outputFile

end createHTMLPage

function getScriptDescription scriptName
put “” into sDesc

put file scriptName into sFile 
--if sFile begins with "{\rtf" then put rtfToText(sFile) into sFile --doug
set num to 0 
set prevnum to 0 

repeat forever 
	set num to offset("@@",sFile, num) 
	if num is equal to 0 then exit repeat 
	if prevnum is not equal to 0 then 
		if num - prevnum is greater than 1000 then exit repeat 
		put chars 2+prevnum to num-2 of sFile into sDesc 
	end if 
	set prevnum to num 
	--put num 
end repeat 
if sDesc is empty then put "No description available/found" into sDesc 

return sDesc 

end getScriptDescription

function createHTMLOfScript scriptHelpFile ,scriptName, suiteName

put "" into sDesc 
put getSuitePath() into suitePath
put suitePath & "/Scripts/" into scriptsFolder
put scriptsFolder&scriptName&".script" into scriptPath
answer scriptPath

(* Creating Header *) 
set headerTemplate to {{
[[tab & tab]]<TITLE>
[[tab & tab & tab & scriptName]] Script Details
[[tab & tab]]</TITLE>" 
[[tab & tab]]<LINK REL=STYLESHEET HREF="style.css" TYPE="text/css">
logFile merge(headerTemplate), scriptHelpFile
put file scriptPath into sFile 
put getListOfDataBetween( "(*@@@" ,"@@@*)" , sFile) into handlerList
answer handlerList

(* Creating body *) 
set bodyTemplate to {{
[[tab & tab]]<H1>[[scriptName]]</H1> 
[[tab & tab]]<TABLE BGCOLOR=lightyellow BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="2" CELLPADDING="8"> 
[[tab & tab & tab]]<TR>
[[tab & tab & tab]]<TH> Script Name:[[scriptName]] </TH> 
[[tab & tab & tab]]<TH COLSPAN="10"> Handler List</TH> 
[[tab & tab & tab]]</TR> 
[[repeat with each item of handlerList]]
[[set handlerTemp to line 1 of handlerList]] 
      [[answer handlerTemp]]
      [[put chars length("Handler:")  to length(handlerTemp) of handlerTemp into HandlerName]]
      [[put chars length(handlerTemp) to length(handlerList) of  handlerTemp into handlerDesc]]
      [[answer handlerDesc ]]
[[tab & tab & tab]]<TR CELLPADDING="2"> 
[[tab & tab & tab]]<TD>[[handlerName]]</TD>
      [[tab & tab & tab]]</TR> 
      [[put split(handlerDesc, "@") into handlerDescComp]]
      [[tab & tab & tab]]<TR CELLPADDING="2"> 
      [[repeat for each item handlerComp in handlerDescComp]]
      [[put split(handlerComp, ":") into handlerProps]]
      [[put item 1 of handlerProps into propsName]]
      [[put item 2 of handlerProps into propsVal]]
      [[tab & tab & tab]]<TD>[[propsName]]</TD>
[[tab & tab & tab]]<TD CLASS="sp" COLSPAN="10">[[propsVal]]</TD> 
     [[end repeat]]
     [[tab & tab & tab]]</TR>
[[end repeat]] 
[[tab & tab]]</TABLE> 
logFile merge(bodyTemplate), scriptHelpFile

end createHTMLOfScript

function getListOfDataBetween startText, endText, fullText
set returnList to an empty list
split fullText by startText – turn it into a list
delete item 1 of fullText – delete the part before the first startText
repeat with each item of fullText
insert item 1 delimited by endText of it into returnList
end repeat
return returnList
end getListOfDataBetween

to createStyleSheetFor anOutputFile --doug
put {{
BODY? ? {
background: peru;
font: 11pt “Arial”;
color: black;
margin-left: 10%;
margin-right: 15%;
margin-top: 2%;
BODY.sp? {
background: brown;
font: 11pt “Comic Sans MS”;
color: crimson;
margin-left: 10%;
margin-right: 15%;
margin-top: 2%;
font-weight: bold
TD? ? ? ?{font: 11pt “Arial”; color: black; text-align: left; font-weight: bold}
TD.sp? ? {font: 11pt “Arial”; color: gray; text-align: justify}
TH? ? ? ?{font: 14pt “Arial”; color: navy; font-weight: bold}
H1? ? ? ?{font: 20pt “Arial”; color: maroon; font-weight: bold}
H2? ? ? ?{font: 16pt “Arial”; color: gray; font-weight: bold}
A? ? ? ? {font: 11pt “Arial”; color: navy; font-style: italic}
A.sp? ? ?{font: 11pt “Arial”; color: white; font-style: italic; font-weight:bold}
FONT.sp? {font: 10pt “Arial”; color: firebrick}
P? ? {text-align: justify}
P.pic? ? {text-align: center}
P.indent {margin-left: 2em}
P.outdent {margin-left: -2em}
}} into stylesheetContents

put anOutputFile into styleFile
put "style.css" into the last item delimited by "/" of styleFile

if there is not a file styleFile then
	put stylesheetContents into file styleFile -- create the file
end if

end to createStyleSheetFor

Okay, I decided to put some time into getting this into a fully functional state. I did some thinking about what it should look like and examined some other similar tools. I ended up reworking a significant amount of the script, but I think you’ll be pleased with the result.

The resulting script is posted in the Examples forum, here:

Of course, a tool like this is always open for more tweaking, so have at it! But I think you’ll find the basic functionality is quite usable now.
