Checking Eggplant ready from remote machine

I have been executing Eggplant commands non-interactively with plink through its command-line interface from a remote Windows machine. The purpose of this is to enable Eggplant test scripts to be run from Test Director.

Any users out there using Test Director to drive Eggplant tests?

One of the TD API methods that I am trying to satisfy is called ‘is_host_ready’ and its purpose in life is to ask a TD remote agent to check that a designated testing host (Eggplant in my case) is available and ready to roll.

I am looking for practical suggestions as to how to flesh out this method. I am not fluent with Unix scripting but if that’s the way…

We have a similar issue in our Organization connecting Quality Center to Eggplant . I have used XML RPC quite effectively to solve this problem

I have not really is implemented the ’ is_host_ready ’ but the the things to consider here would be

  1. is the Mac you are planning to run the script on reachable . You can try out the VBSscript Socket API to check this
  2. More important than that is there a VNC Server running on the System under test and is that listening at the proper port. You can use eggplant to validate that like this and return the value back to VBScript or even do that from Windows


open socket sutIP&":"& sutPort

catch anException
– do processing here to handle the error
put anException – shows ?Bad Problem?
put anException.reason – shows ?Something went wrong?
end try
close socket sutIP&":"& sutPort


QC Integration

  1. start the Test run from QC

  2. run All the Tests remotely
    3)Parse the LOg Files and post the results back to QC

  3. Can be achieved from any expect like tool which does telnet to Mac running Eggplant and laiunches Eggplant from Command Line

  4. Here is a script that actually calls a XMLRPC Server running in the Windows m/c to post the results to QC


params suiteName , xmlRPCServerIP, xmlRPCServerPort

(Main script starts here)
put latestSuiteResultPath(suiteName) into pathZipFile

–answer pathZipFile
(Basic Error handling in place)
if pathzipFile is null then
answer "There are no test results for suite " & suiteName title “No Results”
answer pathZipFile
exit handler
end if

put the folders of pathZipFile into testNames-- get all of the folders there
repeat with each item of testNames
put it into testNamet
put pathZipFile&"/"&it&"/Runhistory.csv" into RunFile
open file RunFile for reading
read from file RunFile until return into header-- read one line
read from file RunFile until return into lastRunDetails
replace every occurrence of <<">> in lastRunDetails with empty
put split ( lastRunDetails , “,” ) into runStats
put item 1 of runStats into dateRun
put item 2 of runStats into runStatus
put item 3 of runStats into runTime
put item 4 of runStats into noErrors
put item 5 of runStats into noWarnings
put item 6 of runStats into noExceptions
put item 7 of runStats into logFile
put item 8 of runStats into returnVal
put item 9 of runStats into errMessage
put pathZipFile&"/"&testNamet&"/"&logFile into logFileName
put file logFileName into logDetails
replace every occurrence of <<">> in logDetails with empty
add 1 to counter

--put  " TEST NAME :  " &  testNamet &" DATE OF RUN : " & dateRun  & "   RUN  TIME :  " &  runTime & "  STATUS :  " &  runStatus & tab  after results
--put counter & " TEST DETAILS :  " & logDetails & newline after results
put  testNamet & ":" & runStatus &","& newline after results

close file RunFile

end repeat
put results into valpass
answer valpass

–We need to check whether we can actually reach the server . If not what is the point wasting time

open socket xmlRPCServerIP&":"& xmlRPCServerPort

catch anException
– do processing here to handle the error
put anException – shows ?Bad Problem?
put anException.reason – shows ?Something went wrong?
end try
close socket xmlRPCServerIP&":"& xmlRPCServerPort

do applescript merge of {{

script test
property mServerAddress : “[[xmlRPCServerIP]]”
property mPort : “[[xmlRPCServerPort]]”

     on test()
	using terms from application "http://localhost/"
		tell application ("http://" & mServerAddress & ":"&mPort&"/")
			return call xmlrpc {method name:"test.test"}
		end tell
	end using terms from
end test
on postResultstoQC(suiteName , resultStr)
                using terms from application "http://localhost/"
		tell application ("http://" & mServerAddress&":" &mPort&"/")
			return call xmlrpc {method name:"test.postResultstoQC", parameters:{suiteName,resultStr}}
		end tell
	end using terms from
end postResultstoQC

end script

test’s postResultstoQC("[[suiteName]]","[[valpass]]")


put the result

(* Returns the contents of the statistics file for a given suite *)
function latestSuiteResultPath suite
put fullSuitePath(suite) into suite – find it and get its full path
answer suite
put suite & “/Results” into resultsFolder

answer resultsFolder
return resultsFolder

end latestSuiteResultPath

(* Makes sure that we have the full suitePath for a given suite *)
function fullSuitePath suite
if suite does not end with “.suite” then put “.suite” after suite – ensure .suite extension
if suite does not begin with “/” then – not absolute path – need to find it
put the long name of me into myPath
delete the last 3 items delimited by “/” of myPath – get the dir. containing my suite
put the folders of myPath into suiteNames – get all of the folders there
repeat with each item of suiteNames
if it is suite then
put myPath & “/” & it into suite
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end if
if there is not a folder suite then throw “Unknown Suite”, "Couldn’t find suite " & suite
if suite does not begin with “/” then put the folder & “/” before suite – want the full path
return suite
end fullSuitePath


You have to implement the XMLRPC Server in Windows m/c to do the post .

Hope that helps …