Can't interact with remote computer with live mode?


I just downloaded and tried to connect to my work computer at home.
I was able to connect successfully, but am not able to interacet with the computer with live mode at all.

I am running Vine viewer version 1.2 on Mac OS 10.4.9.

Please help!!!


What server is your home computer running?

My home computer is not on any server.
My computer at work is open-port (the office is very small) and on the MAC server. Both home and work computers are on Mac.

Do these answer your questions?
Sorry, if I did not explain the situation clearly…
Thank you for your help!


Which VNC server is running on the mac you want to connect to?
Also, what version of Mac OS X are you running on the Mac you want to connect to?

Sorry for the delay…

The VNC server is version 2.2, and MAC OS is version 10.4.10.
It is the new black/silver iMac G5 at work computer.

Thank you again!


This is a strange problem; there is a setting in Vine Server under the sharing panel “Disable remote control of keyboard and mouse”. If that is NOT checked then I would suggest trying to set Vine Server on a different port (5905) and connect to that.


It worked!!
I changed the port to 5905, then it worked.
Thank you so much for your help and prompt response.
I really appreciate it!
