Cannot press Cancel button in iPad, Apple Mail app

I am testing an app that has an email link that, when clicked on, launches Apple Mail app on the iPad and creates a New Message to our support email address (nothing is in the Cc/Bcc or Subject fields).

I have tried a number of things to get eggOn to click on the “Cancel” button on the top left of the Apple Mail app, and then delete the draft email (this part works)

click “image/imagepath”
doubleclick “image/imagepath”

press “image/imagepath”
release “image/imagepath”

tap “image/imagepath”
doubletap “image/imagepath”

and also tried just mousing over and clicking on the Cancel button in the eggplant iPad connection window.

The only thing that works is to press directly on the iPad screen on top of the cancel button.

Thanks in advance for any help,


What version of iOS are you running against? And what version of eggOn are you running?

iOS 6.1.3
eggOn version XX.XX but lists release notes for 1.02 8 June 2013

There are just going to be some buttons that we can’t interact with. It’s mostly things that are closely tied to the system, and it has to do with how the events are posted to those controls. That particular action is not going to be scriptable on iOS6.

ok thank you!