Cannot connect to local VNC server


Just installed Vine server on a Mac running 10.3.9. I opened the port in my router like the manual said to. I also opened the port in the system firewall.

I am trying to connect to the 10.3.9 machine from an iMac running 10.4 via VineViewer. It will not allow a connection. The error it gives is: Connection failed:Connection refused.

Firewall port is also open on this machine.

Can anyone tell me what I’m doing wrong? I cannot figure this out…


The official release of Vine Server 3.0 was only for 10.4, but you actually can make it work by deleting the TigerBundle.bundle inside the app wrapper.

Or you can download Vine Server 3.1 Beta where we have re-instated 10.3 support.

Works now! Perfect

Thank you!