Assigning values to variables stored in variables

hi all,

i have an issue that i am not sure how to tackle.

i have a property list that i would like to transform into var:value pairs.

for example:

set plist to (a:10,b:15)
repeat with each item of keys(plist)
set it to plist.(it)
end repeat
put b – should output 15, instead it puts “b”

is there any way to do this?

I just thought of another example of what i want to do.
set variablePtr to “a”
set value(variablePtr) to 10
put a – should output 10

i have read a bit about references but i am not sure that’s what i want… because potentially the local variable does not exist yet.

is there no hope for what i want to do?

In case somebody faces the same question as me,

i found a way to do it

set plist to (a:10, b:20, c:30, d:40)
set validKeys to (a, b, c, d)
repeat with each item of keys(Parameters)
    if it is in validKeys then
        set command to "set" && it && "to plist." & it
        do command
        log warning "extra key,value ( " & it & ", " & &") ignored because not expected"
    end if
end repeat

put a -- outputs 10
put b -- outputs 20

That’s a good solution, and shows an appropriate use of the ‘do’ command to construct a command using a dynamic variable name.

In this case, since it appears that you want a selected set of the properties rather than all of them, here’s a simpler approach (taking advantage of SenseTalk’s multiple assignment and ability to access a list of properties at once) that might also suit your needs:

set plist to (a:10, b:20, c:30, d:40)
set (a,b,c,d) to plist.(a,b,c,d)
put a,b,c,d

Amazing, thank you so much, that is much simpler than my approach