Accessing individual parameters (a.k.a skipping some)

This seems like it would be easy or not possible, and I can’t figure out which. :x

I have a number of handlers with parameters. I understand that I have the option to only send the first parameter. Also, if I send extra parameters, they will get ignored (Technically, passed through?). But is there a way I can send only the 2nd and 4th of 6 parameters?

I can post an example if it’s not clear what I’m asking.

It’s generally not a good coding practice to make anything but the last parameters optional. But yes, you can pass whatever parameters you’d like by leaving empty spaces in the list:

myHandler , "second", , , , "sixth"

to myHandler
      put params() -- outputs myhandler "","second","","","","sixth"
      put parameterList() -- outputs (,second,,,,sixth)
end myHandler

You can also explicitly pass the value “empty” to make it easier to count how many parameters you’re passing:

myHandler empty, "second", empty, empty, empty, "sixth"

That’s what I was looking for. I may end up breaking some of these handlers down further into “required” and “optional” entries for the stuff we’re doing.

Thanks for the quick reply.